Chapter 7

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Operating Surgeon - A surgeon who leads the operation and team in the operating room so that the procedure goes smoothly.

First Assistant - Normally, the First assistant usually be a fourth/third-year resident to learn the procedure but sometimes based on the criticality of the operation, surgeons also take the role. Someone who will be helping the OS to give the instruments on time and stops bleeding, closing up the surgical cut.

Fluoroscopy is a medical procedure that makes a real-time video of the movements inside a part of the body by passing x-rays through the body over a period of time.


Kongpob is in his cabin waiting for the out-patients service to open up for him. This is the first time after years he is experiencing it, so he's a bit nervous. But he's making sure that doesn't show up on his face.

He's been trying to contact Maprang since the morning but she's not responding. He's used to having this type of scenario with Tew as he keeps himself majorly busy in his lab and hardly picks up the phone. But Maprang is very attentive. That's what makes Kongpob a bit worried.

"Dr. Suthiluck, your first patient for today is ready!! Can I send him?" His nurse Fang asked and Kongpob nodded with a smile after placing his phone aside.


"Dr. Suthiluck, time to get ready for the operation" Nurse Prae informed Kongpob just after his fifth patient is done. Kongpob is damn nervous about everything. Though he had years... no, correction, decades of experience in treating patients, performing operations in the worse cases, still this experience is something different.

Kongpob never opted to have an in-hospital experience like this. He's more like a bird... wherever he goes, he creates a space for himself, interacts with people, tries to solve problems, and moves to another place. This type of lifestyle is not his choice but an option. Because if he chose to be a doctor in a multi-specialty hospital, then people will start getting doubts about his never increasing age effects. Still, he loves the lifestyle he had... different people, different experiences.

"Dr. Rojnapath will be there on time, meanwhile we can start the process," Prae said before leaving the other at the changing room. Kongpob gets prepared for the surgery and just before he gulps the pill he uses before every surgery, Arthit sees that but doesn't comment on that and leaves as if he didn't saw anything.

By the time, Arthit arrives, he sees the patient is ready and Kongpob started to give updates.

"Patient is ready to get operated on. I have set the Fluoroscope in the exact position after making the incision, You can start the procedure." Arthit is impressed by Kongpob. At first, he thought the other will throw tantrums to be a first assistant even after being a surgeon himself but Kongpob did all the duties of the first assistant

Arthit nodded, making sure to maintain eye contact with everyone in the operating room, and started the procedure after the Anesthesiologist confirmed that vitals are looking good.

"Loupe" Prae set the Loupe on Arthit's head as well as Kongpob's to start the process.

"Retrac-" Before Arthit can complete Kongpob handed him the retractor of the exact size Arthit wanted.

Observatory Theatre is the room on the above floor from where other doctors can see what is happening inside the operating room. And Aim, Ploy, and Dae are looking at the scene where Kongpob and Arthit are busy focusing on the operation.

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