Chapter 19

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"Woo Jin-- Dr. Seo" Arthit corrected himself when he saw the nurse looking at him weirdly. 

"Hmmm?" Woo Jin is busy righting the instructions in the patients chart when Arthit hit him on his right arm.

"What is it?"

"Come with me for a second" Arthit dragged the other to a quiet place and through distance, Ohm is observing everything while acting to listen to other doctor's rant.

After confirming that there's no one at their hearing distance, Arthit asked

"If body temperature is cold than normal, It is Hypothermia, right?" Woo Jin nodded in confirmation.

"Yes, If body temperature drops to 35 C, it's hypothermia. Who has it?" Arthit didn't reply, instead, he mumbled

"It's less than 35"

"Nonsense. It can't happen, Hyung!! You know it, right?" Arthit still didn't reply and continued to think of symptoms related to lesser body temperature.

"Any other possibility?"

"With body temperature? No" Woo Jin this time, started to observe than to ask questions.

"We have medications for Hypothermia in the drug store?" Woo Jin nodded and Arthit ran towards the drug store.

What happened to him suddenly?


All doctor's room is on the third floor, so as Kongpob. Arthit first thought of directly confronting Kongpob but the other kept a note stating that He's not well and needs rest for at least a day.

Arthit called the other and through voice, Kongpob seemed fine. So, Arthit continued to work in the medical camp but his worry about Kongpob has not lessened for a bit. Once their tasks for the day is completed, Arthit decided to take a different route. 

Kongpob is having a peaceful time with wine and reading a book when he heard a faint sound from the balcony. At first, he ignored thinking it is not something to be bothered but when the sound started to increase, placing his book next to him, he opened the balcony door to find Arthit trying hard to climb from the second floor to the third floor.

"P'Arthit!!" Kongpob shouted but Arthit shushed him to not make noise.

"What are you doing here?" Kongpob whisper-yelled at Arthit who is still busy trying to climb the floor. Kongpob looked sideways and saw a long pipe. After analyzing that it can withstand Arthit's weight, he asked Arthit to hold the pipe. Like a good boy, Arthit held it and in three seconds, Kongpob pulled the other up, making Arthit lose balance and again fall on Kongpob with a loud thud sound. Kongpob is sure he heard a small crackling sound on the floor, thanks to his weight.

"Liking it? Being on top of me?" Kongpob asked sarcastically but Arthit didn't budge. He's tired to even think straight and continued to lay as he's feeling way more comfortable like this.

"Wait!! I am tired... Didn't know I had very little stamina and definitely no skills to climb the floors" Kongpob slowly rolled and gently made Arthit sleep on the floor instead of on top of him. He wore enough wool clothes to hide his cold body temperature but still, he has to be cautious, given that Arthit already has some suspicions.

"What were you doing?"

"I came to check on you. You're sick, right?" Kongpob frowned, not understanding what the other is talking about and then he remembered the note he plastered on the wall. Thanks to that, Ohm has been messaging him to know updates about his health but he just replied once stating He's fine!!

Dr. Sunshine [Completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant