Kenji Yuma

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!Credit to the original artist!

Basic Info:

Height: 5,7

Age: 16

Quirk: Demon

Info Stuffy: There’s this habit he has where he makes goo-goo eyes at any “hot” guy he sees, he’ll stare at them for about 5 seconds and then get over them. No he isn’t openly gay, and he get's insecure about it, but he has support so it ends up fine. At first, he was in love with Candy but then found out he was gay in their last year of grade school.

Backstory: Kenji was always bouncing around foster homes because of how much energy his quirk gave him at night, no one could keep with him staying up all night. Foster care eventually found out the reason and did some research and found a family with a quirk similar to his and when he settled down.

Quirk: Kenji’s quirk is called Demon, no he is not a demon and he does not follow the influince of one. It’s just that he can do almost anything that a demon can like growing horns and bat-like wings, he’s nocturnal.

Drawbacks: If Kenji uses his quirk during the day, he gets sunburned and if he does use it at night then he has to sleep through the next day to regain his energy.

!!! Kenji is my character. He will be in some of my book and playing different roles in each one!!!

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