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Three years later-

There was a bright light shining through closed curtains. It leaked through and lit up anything it could touch, bringing them into clear view. She sat on the edge of her bed, staring at the covered window, trying to see outside. She stood and pulled the blackout cloth apart, revieling the same view she had seen a few too many times.

A small ping echoed through the room as her phone went off. Another, then another. She sat back on her bed to look at the bright screen, the light burning her eyes as she turned the brightness.

Suki X-X: Go to bed.

Kendo;}: Hey, u rlly should go back to sleep. The moon isnt even out.

Mae:) : Y/n, please go to bed, this isn’t good for you.

She slightly frowned at the messages, there was another notification.

Denki<3 : If you need someone to talk to, I’m up.

She smiled, typing a message.

Y/n: It’s okay, I’m going to bed now, good night.

After hitting send, there was a small pain in her heart, none of the five messages were from them. They haven’t been for almost 3 years. Kendo and Mae have been the two that she looks forward to along with Denki and Katsuki.

Y/n looked out the window, Denki was right, it was a new moon and cloudy. The light seeping into her room was a street light that had turned yellow-ish orange over the years she’d lived there.

Denki<3 :Kk, I’ll talk to you in the morning when it’s light out. Sleep tight!

Y/n smiled at the new message before placing her phone down.

Although she said she was going to bed, she couldn’t, she looked out into the night as the street lamp and sighed. She got up and closed the curtains, a huff leaving her lips as she had grown annoyed the with same old view.

  “Just let me sleep.” Y/n groaned into her pillow as she burried her head into it. For the past 3 years, insomnia had been a bitch, creeping up on her thanks to a woman in jail and her husband, also in jail.

Y/n rolled over and looked up at the ceiling, chills ran up her spine and she thought the light outside had flickered.

Denki<3 : ik u arent sleeping

Her phone rang before she pulled her out out of her pillow to check.

Denki<3 :Wanna talk? For real this time

Y/n: Yeah

She clicked on the call button, it rang once before he picked up.

  “Hey,” Denki yawned as he answered.

  “I’m sorry,” Y/n whispered, looking ashamed that it happened again.

  “That street light really is something, isn’t it?” He joked before being serious, “You really should do something about it.”

  “I’m having deja vu.” Y/n sarcasticly chuckled and rolled her eyes playfully.

  “I know, I know, me too. But I am serious about it, I could come put it out for you.” He laughed too.

  “Someone would just come and fix it,” She sighed then rolled onto her back after unplugging her phone from the charger.

  She thought about why the light bugged her, it was simple. M/n. The light was old and flickered often, it scared Y/n, making her think that she was back. M/n did have the power to put Y/n in a trance with light alone, Y/n could only assume that she was never fully cleared of all the mist D/n gave her. It kept Y/n awake, paranoid like her parents knew what they were doing, taunting her, baiting her.

  “I don’t know what else to do, your parents won’t let me into the house, like ever,” Denki sighed and reminded her of her parents rule; no one from U.A, aside from Katsuki, was allowed in the house. Not even Midoriya. This rule led to sleepless nights paired with sneaking in and out.

Denki would sneak into her house while her parents were away, Kendo and Mina would do the same just so they could see her. Jiro would come with them every once in awhile but she stopped after graduation. Mae was allowed to visit, Y/n’s parents praised her for taking care of Y/n. Mae was allowed to come and go as she pleased as long as she didn’t post or spread any info on Y/n.

  “I know, it’s stupid.” Y/n groaned, forgetting that her parents were sleeping. “I just..” She paused, taking in a breath, “I just wanna go out, to have a life. To be free. You know?” Y/n sighed.

  Denki felt his heart strain as he listened. The two have had this conversation before, but never had she expressed herself this far. It hurt him to hear.

  “I know, I promise that when you step out of that door, you won’t have to be scared.” Denki smiled softly even if Y/n couldn’t see it. “ Your parents won’t have anything to worry about and they won’t bother you any more.” He spoke softly, trying not to yawn.

  “I can’t wait,” Y/n smiled hopefully, her mind drifted away from the street light, away from the chills and to the man on the phone.

They talked for a few more minutes, Y/n growing more and more tired, Denki took notice and smiled, knowing that he had helped her.

Denki tried not to yawn again, “Can you ask Mae if she’ll take you out? I can meet you.”

  “That sounds good, I’ll ask her in the morning and let you know.” Y/n yawned.

  “Good, I won’t be able to stay for long but I still wanna try and see you when you’re more awake.” He spoke quietly, butterflies flew through his stomach as he listened to her tired voice.

  “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow then. I love you.” She let her eyes close.

  “I love you too, Y/n.” Denki yawned then waited for a second before hanging up the phone. He stared at his screen for a second to see if Y/n would suddenly call back or text but after a minute, he decided that she had fianlly fallen sleep.

Y/n’s head rested on her pillow as her phone slipped out of her hand and onto the floor, she looked over the bed at it and let it be. Putting her head back on her pillow then pulling the blankets back over her.

She slowly drifted to sleep with a small smile on her face. Denki did as well, both thinking about the day ahead.

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