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:(: 3rd :):

2: 13 AM

Hamada stood infront of the head detective, he glared down at the man infront of him as Hamada visiblely shook. The 193 centimeter :(: 6’4 :): chief stood tall against the 178 :(: 5’10 :): centimeter officer. Hamada gulped while his adams apple bobbed.

A sigh came from his superior’s lips. “ You really have to stop making these deals, Masahiro, they could go wrong in so many ways.” Hamada shot down to a 90 degree angle.

“ I’m sorry cheif, I won’t do it agian.” He shook his head before the chief stood infront of the detective.

“ You said that last time. If I recall I said the same thing to you the time before that. Masahiro, I know you’re doing your job but the next time you make an offer like that, you’re fired. Understand?” The chiefs voice rattled around the room as Hamada stood straight and soluted his boss.

“ Yes, Sir” Hamada turned, the hair on the back of his neck eased before another rattle came from the chief.

“ You have permission to take them on that ‘Field Trip’ as you called it, I’ll call a few other officers.” Hamada thanked him and scurried out of the room. Under normal circumstances, Hamada would have been calm, but never after he makes a deal. The fear of expulsion tapped against his bones.

Now, time to go on a stupid field trip.

2:40 AM

Kaminari held Y/n tight; ‘Don’t let her go, don’t let her go.’ is all he told himself. Over and over while he balled into the crook of Y/n’s neck. ‘ Don’t let her go. Don’t let her go… Do.n’t le.t h-er… g-o.’ Kaminari repeated it until it didn’t sound like words, just gibberish he thought made sense. ‘ d.._0n:t 1eT… h-Er G-0…please'.’ A new word added.

Nothing much, only a one syllable word with six letter yet those six letters could change something. Someone even. It could mean so much, whether someone’s begging, asking, urging, scrounging. It makes all the more difference when put into context.

The first one; begging. That one suck out against the rest. Although all of them meant the same thing, begging seemed more accruate, more appropriate in a way.

‘ Please don’t take Y/n from me. Please don’t leave me. I’m begging you.’ Yeah, it sounded right in Kaminari’s head and when it tripped off his tounge.

It felt right.

It was right.

Begging was right in this moment, even if there wasn’t anyone for Kaminari to beg to but himself. It was all he could do in his powerless moment. Beg and beg to himself.

Kaminari pleaded to himself to not let the precious girl in his arms go, it was all he wanted to do since he’d done it for the past half hour, on loop. A broken record of begging.

Although the term ‘pleading’ had been used and it almost meant the same thing as ‘begging’, it still didn’t feel right to Kaminari. It felt too weak, much like himself at the moment. Weak wan’t the right wording, it couldn’t be as the word had already been used to describe himself.

The phrase ‘please’ had been used to change his thoughts, as well as the word ‘beg’ had been used to described to the way he used the word please and what he was doing at the moment while he continued to cling to Y/n.

Several simple words put into a broken context changed the way Kaminari thought at the moment, they changed they way he viewed himself and the way he cried and what he cried for.

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