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:(: Y/n’s POV :):

‘ This doesn’t feel right. This isn’t right... What doesn’t feel right, what isn’t right again?’ I tried to move, I tried to sit up, open my eyes. Anything yet nothing worked, nothing went my way. It’s my body it should have listened to me. ‘ Nothing’s right, nothing feels right. One things for sure though, I’m tired... really tired.’

All I could do was sit and listen, my body too exhuasted to obey my brain. Although my brain was equally as tired to make the orders to the rest of my body.

  " Please stop yelling” A small beg came from beside me. If I was able to, I would wrap my arms around whoever was by my side, despite who is was. A shift in weight came from the same side.

There was more arguing, one voice sounded familiar, Mom’s voice. She was angrier than usual but it was still her.

  “ Just stop yelling.” Another whimper came from beside me along with a pressure wrapping itself around my hand.

‘ I can’t, I can’t hear them cry, I don’t want to, it hurts to hear them.’ I’ve heard enough crying, I don’t remember when, but I heard enough. ‘ Just do this one thing for me. Just this one, it’s all I’m asking, just move even an inch.’ I begged myself to move, open my eyes, anything.

Until it finally happened. The light shined in my eyes, blinding but welcoming. I moved my arm over, my head following, to a head of yellow.

No movement came from him until a pair of paws left his ears, I tried to move my head further to see but instead, the princapal came into view, a soft, small smile graced his white fur and he hopped off the bed.

I expected the boy to move but he never did, he only shook as he cried. ‘ Make it stop.’ I raked my finger through hs hair, tangled but soft, then squeezed his hand.

  “ Y/n?” He looked up at me, his voice broken and hurt. My hand slipped from his head but I couldn’t do more. My body felt like it was dieing, weak and cold, yet I was going. I could get somewhere with the progress I had made so far. “ Y/n, you’re awake… You’re okay, you're okay. Right?” He squeezed my hand back and stood up.

The shouts and cursing continued, he seemed to realize that I couldn’t do much as I didn’t move after squeezing his hand.

“ I-i…” I tried to open my mouth further to speak but no words came out. My throat was dry and hoarse, the burning feeling in my throat only added to the pain.

  “ Shut up.” His hand stayed in mine as he turned his head back to the screaming women. “ Shut up, shut up!” The princapal quickly jumped back onto my hospital bed and covered my ears. Everyone stopped at the sound of his shoes hitting the bed and the marigold haired boy cracking under their shouts.

“ You have some nerve yelling at me like that boy! Who do you think you are?” A h/c haired woman being held back by a police officer turned her attenion to the boy.

  “ I said shut up! You don’t have to yell, you’re an adult, act like it!” He snapped at her and took his seat next to me again. Tears never stopped falling, the furrowed brows and frown plaiged his features. “ Y/n’s awake, I’m sure this isn’t what she wants to hear.” I tried to speak to thank him but, again, nothing came out.

“ Y/n, dear, you’re finally awake, are you alright, I was so worried.” Her mood and deamnor took a 180, the officer kept his hold on her as she tried to step forward.

“ Cut the shit, we both know you don’t care about her.” Mom spat as she crossed her arms.

  “ I’m sorry Y/n,” The boy looked back to me, warm liquid continued to drip from his eyes. With all my strength, I placed my hand on his cheek and wiped the tears away, although they kept falling regardless. “ This is my fault, I hurt you, I put you here.” He leaned into my touch, I opened my dry mouth again. “ Please don’t strain yourself, please. If not for me then for your parents, for Bakugo.”

This wasn’t him. Sorrow and woe didn’t suit him and seemed far from the happy self he seemed like. “ I’m okay, I’m okay.” I reassured him, looking at him gave me strength. Unfortunatly, it wasn’t much but it was enough. Enough to wipe the tears and keep my eyes open. Enough energy to speak words of thanks, comfort, and reassurence. “ Thank you.”

The princapal sat on the edge of the bed, close to me, there was a yellow sleeping bag on the floor near the corner, an unknown man, two officers, my parents, and two people in handcuffs. It was full and not exactly what I wanted when I first managed to open my eyes.

Of course I care about my daughter, what kind of mother do you think I am?” The h/c haired woman gasped offenedly. I looked back around the room, she didn’t seem very motherly considering the show she’s put on so far.

“ Ignore them Y/n, for now, how would like to see your brother again? Spend some time with your family.” The princapal placed a hand on my shoulder, I tried to nod. He seemed to understand and hopped off the bed.

“ Detective, if you wouldn’t mind,” The unknown man looked down, “ if you could let these two out of the room. I’m sure Mr. and Mrs. L/n could use a breather. At the mention to the two, the h/c woman turned her attention to the small mouse-human.

“ No, no, no. I’m not leaving until my daughter knows I’m her mother!” She raged before the two officers escourted her and her husband out of the room.

“ It’ll only be temperary, you’re welcome to enter when Y/n feels she’s ready.” He explained to the two and the man. They left and everyone elses eyes trailed to me.

It was strange to say the least, having everyone’s eyes glued to me, being the center of attention. It was never something I wanted for specific reasons but my attmept of going unnoticed failed. The golden haired boy stood and let my hand go, a cold air surrounded my empty hand.

“ I need a breather too, I’ll be back.” I explained to me more than anyone before leaving the room, I could hear screeches of protest coming from the woman outside the door. It felt like the world was closing around me as he shut the door, as if I was alone to fight the battle of sanity by myself. Desptite the amount of people in the small room.

I shut my eyes for a second, my eyelids growing tired of remaining open in spite of the desire to close. The feeling of ease drifted away as darkness surrounded me. Sufficating and draining me of energy, although I had very little to begin with. The chill from my empty hand spread throughout my arm and spread after making it to my shoulder, a sensation of controling and power drowned me as I tried to take in a shaky breath.

I really was alone in this war. This war of confusion, hesitance, and a controling power that wasn’t my own. It was my war to face. My war to finish as I was the one who started it without knowing. Without acknowleding the longterm consiquences of my choices in earlier months. In spite of the enemy, which was still unclear to me, I was going to end this battle to help finish the war.

Open your eyes, open them and let the light in, it’s the first step into taking control of your own life. Prove that you aren’t going to let this battle end early, that you’re going to take this controling power and make it your own. You aren’t going to fall into tyranny.

:(: A/n: Okay, this is more of a filler
I'll try to speed up the process
But I can't help it. Anyways
I've chosen who the next story is going
to be about, I'm not telling tho.
WC: 1,414
<3 <3 You're loved by me and many
others, remeber that and stay strong <3 <3

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