+16+ She's OK +16+

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:(: Katsuki’s POV :):

I went to bed the other night upset at Y/n and Kirishima.

I’ve already cleared thing up with Kirishima, or at least tried to but I haven’t seen Y/n yet.

She’s been so busy with Kaminari and Todoroki that I haven’t seen her in awhile.

   “ Oi, Dunce-face, you seen Y/n?” I swung his door open, almost hoping to see Y/n helping him with guitar.

She wasn’t there.

“ No, she just left to buy a new guitar pick, she should be back soon.” He didn’t bat an eye at me and continued messing around with the guitar in his grasp.

“ Why, do you think somethings wrong.” His face went from relaxed to distressed at the mention of Y/n in trouble.

   “ Tch, Y/n isn’t stupid, she’s fine.” I scoffed and slammed his door.

Maybe Racoon Eyes knows where she is.

:(: Y/n’s POV :):

Slowly my consenseness crept back to me. The feeling in my hands to my arms then to my feet and legs and lastly to my head.

I was hoping my head would remain numb along with one of my legs.

It was hard to tell which leg it was though, one felt slightly worse than the other.

After I could feel everything my other sences started to return, smell, taste, sight.

   “ Yay~, she’s waking up.” I heard a famillair, high-pitched voice squeal, it reminded me of Candy and Mina, they would get along well.

There was a sent of blood and wood, I could also smell mold.

I couldn’t feel the floor and my wrists and ankles were itching, with the what I presummed was rope, rubbing against them.

There was slight creaking of old floor boards and then the squeaking of a door.

   “ See, she’s waking up, hey girlie.” I heard the girl say again to someone then to me.

“ You didn’t wake her up did you, I told you, the longer she’s out the more time we have to think of a plan with out worrying about her.” The voices were familliar too. They belonged to the two people in the alleyway with Neo and his mother.

I kept my eyes closed, hoping that I wouldn’t be met with a horrifying image when I opened them.

“ Open your eyes, there’s nothing bad in here, I doubt you’ll be able to see much anyway.” The males voice spoke. “ Go get Shigaraki.”

Shigaraki, now that’s a name I regonize, that’s the man that planned Katsuki’s kidnapping and tried to kill All Might.

If these two worked for Shigaraki then the girl must be Toga and the man in front of me must be Dabi.

“ Come on, open them.” He pryed again. I finally opened them.

My eyes were met with a bright shining but dull blue pair.

“ See, there you go, you aren’t completely helpless.” Dabi patted my head then tilted it upward.

“ You clearly know I’m not helpless if you decided to kidnap me.” I retorted and continued to stare into his eyes.

They were so complex, a bright flaming blue but behind that flame there was a dulling, fading greyish color.

“ Smart, explain, you don’t have much time though.”

“ You kidnapped Katsuki asking him to join you, he told me all about it when he got back, I’m closely related to him so it’s no coincidence you wanted me too after you failed to presude Katsuki. Either that or you just kidnapped for a random kill.” I explained just as Dabi had asked.

   “ I’m back~, I got Shigaraki.” Toga had bounced back into the dark room with a hooded figure following behind her, Dabi moved away from me and made room for Shigaraki to see me.

“ So this is what you brought me in here for? A child?” A raspy voice spoke from the dark hood.

“ Excuse me? A child, I’m far from it, I’m probably more mature than you.” I retorted again.

The room was silent, there was a slight chuckle from Shigaraki.

“ Remind me why I ordered you to bring her to me.” Shigaraki ordered one of the two standing in the room.

“ She’s closely related to Bakugo, the kid we kidnapped at the training camp, she might be as strong as him and you told us to kidnap her so we followed orders.” Dabi answered his boss.

“ What is your relationship with Bakugo?” Shigaraki was stepping closer to me and he took his hood down.

“ Childhood friend.” I lied while looking him straight in the eyes, if there’s one thing I learned from lying it’s don’t look away from who you’re lying to, it didn’t work 100% of the time but I hope this was one of those times it did.

No one knew about me, I never posted on socail media about me and Katsuki being siblings and I know he didn’t either, Candy and Kenji wouldn’t say anything so who told? Even if it was only as much as ‘Y/n and Katsuki are closely related’.

Even Mom never posted much, when Mom did it was always about work and Dad doesn't in the first place.

U.A, that’s when everyone found out I was related to Katsuki in some way, it had to be one of them but 1-a was hardly on there phones unless they had nothing to do and were in their dorms. So who from U.A told?

“ How’d you find out about me.” I asked him, Shigaraki’s eyes were a bloody red like Katsuki’s but only different.

Katsuki’s eyes were filled with pride and power while Shigaraki’s eyes were filled with blood lust and hate.

“ That’s classified.” Dabi interupted.

“ Of course it is, so what do you want ‘cause I don’t wanna stare at you all day.” I sighed and Shigaraki took a step back.

“ I feel like it’s obvious, we want you to join the league, we may have failed to bring Bakugo in as a new player but that doesn’t mean we’re giving up on the Bakugo family just yet.” He chuckled and walked away. “ Watch her for me while I make a few calls.” Shigaraki left without another word.

   “ Oo~, a new girlfriend, I haven’t had one for such a long time.” Toga giggled while Dabi left the room after Shigaraki.

I thought for a minute. ‘We’re not giving up on the Bakugo family just yet.’

:(: Katsuki’s POV :):

  I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong with Y/n, it’s been almost two hours, there’s no way you could have that much fun at a music store.

None of the others were any help, a bunch of useless extra’s. Shitty-hair had gotten a permission slip from Aizawa to leave the buildings to find Y/n, we didn’t tell him that we were going to look for her though.

Dunce-face had found out and wanted to come so I had Shitty-hair choose whether he stayed or came with us.

   “ Where did you say Y/n was going?” Kirishima asked Kaminari.

“ Some music store to buy a new guitar pick, the last one broke.” He replied.

“ I’ll call her.” I muttered while pulling out my phone and dailing her number.

“ You could have done that this entire time and you just now thought of that.” Kaminari complained.

“ Shut up, you’re lucky Y/n likes to hang around you, otherwise, I would have beaten your ass for getting so close to her.” I shouted at Kaminari while he finched and Kirishima held my shoulder.

I was not in the mood for this.

“ I didn’t call her yet because she would have called me if something was wrong or if she needed something.” I scowled while the phone beeped and went to voicemail. “ Shit.”

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