+8+ Accepted And Acceptence +8+

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:(: Katsuki's POV :):

Aizawa-sensei let me come home with Y/n and she has done nothing but wait impatiently for her results.

I personaly think she did ok, it wasn't the best but if she had tried out for U.A at the beginning of the year like I said, we wouldn't be going throught this.

" Would you sit the hell down." I scowled.

" How could I? I've been waiting for two days straight, argh, if I tried out for U.A at the beginning of the year we wouldn't have to be going though this right now." She read my mind then sat down across from me, " Maybe I didn't make it." Y/n said.

" How could you not? You're way better then those extra's." I said still not really caring about any of it.

" Wow," Y/n saracsticly mummbled while rolling her eyes, " Why am I even doing this?" She asked my now sitting criss-cross.

"'Cause you're no extra and if you're not an extra then you're a hero." I stated.

" That's a stupid excuse." Y/n stated bluntly as she sat back.

" Whatever, if you do make it in then keep it up with that childhood friend thing." I was about to get up until Y/n stopped me.

" Because people will start to think we're dating even though I had to tell them we weren't," Y/n started, " and it would be weird if you had a sister, it would ruin your reputation and it could cause problems for you and Redhead." I froze, me and Shitty-hair?

Right as I was about to yell at Y/n the door bell rang.

" I'll get it."

:(: Y/n's POV :):

I jumped from my seat on the couch and ran over to the door and swung it open.

No one was there but the mail box flang thing was up.

I sprinted over to the box, opened it and put the flag down, there were bills and adult stuff, then a newpaper and lastly an envolope with my name on it.

I squealed in excitement as Katsuki judged me from the front door while I walked back into the house with the mail in my hands.

" Mom, the mails here." I hollard from the living room. I sat down and Katsuki sat down with me.

I separated the mail, stuff for Mom, stuff for Dad, newspapers, other random crap that I'll never understand, then the letter adressed to my name.

Mom came down the stairs as I opened the envolope.

" Oo~ what'd you get?" Mom asked while sorting throught her own mail. " I hope it's something exciting and not some bills and spam." She rolled her eyes.

I took the letter out and read it silently then handed it over to Katsuki who was sitting next to me.

" Now I get to beat your ass everyday." He gave the letter back and I handed it over to Mom.

I didn't read the entire thing through and I doubt Katsuki did either, we just skimmed through it. Mom on the other hand was reading through the entire thing.

Because I skimmed through it I only understood parts of it, ' We are overjoyed to accept you into U.A' and ' Moving in on Sunday, coming Monday' and lastly, ' If you have any questions let Princepal Nezu know'. That's all I caught.

Mom sat the letter down as reality finally set in.

" Wait a minute." I said snatching the letter off of the coffee table. " I got accepted... And I'm moving in tomorrow-" I dropped the letter and it fluttered to the ground while I sat up and started jumping.

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