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:(: 3rd POV :):

12:38 AM

They sat there for what seemed like hours, days almost. A single sentence was never spoken from them in the span of two hours the couple had been sitting in the dark room.

One goal was shared between the two; find their daughter and run.

  “ Listen, I would say we don’t have all day but we really do. If you’d like to sit here for weeks then thats perfectly fine.” An investigator shrugged before sitting back down across the table. None of them spoke. He sighed, “ Okay, lets go Miss.” He stood back up before dragging the woman out of the room.

They were pulled into another interogation room. The only light coming from the small window.

  “ I don’t know what the hell you two are up to but I need you to talk.” He breathed while taking another seat across the room. “ We could take you to your daughter if you’d like.” He suggested.

“ Are you serious?” Her voice finally echoed through the room. He nodded.

  “ Sure, if thats what you want, if your husband speaks then we can take him too, it’ll be a little field trip.” He stiffled a chuckle before continueing. “ Let’s start with your name.”

“ L/n M/n and I’m 37.” She stated while leaning back and folding one of her legs on the other. “ What’s yours?”

  “ It’s Hamada for now. Okay. Now, I already know enough to know what you were trying to do so tell me why?”

“ I’m not sure what you know but I was trying to see me lovely daughter after ten years. He was trying to kidnap her.” She accused her husband although what happened hours ago said otherwise. Hamada nodded.

  “ Okay, then your way of seeing your daughter again is breaking in to U.A and immobilizing students and teachers then trying to kidnap your daughter after you found her.” He stated as he crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.

“ No, I suggested we go to her adoptive parents and suggest to see her after proving that we were her birth parents.” The wife spoke with a straight face. “ My husband, D/n, he wanted to break in and kidnap her, to take her away from that school.”

  “ Why’d he want to take her?” The officer sighed and stood.

“ He didn’t tell me much but he said that he had a better way of reaching her faster, I didn’t know we were breaking in.”

  “ Last thing, you clearly went along with his plan and immoblized every-” Hamada was cut off.

“ I know what you’re going to say,” M/n sat up and put her hands up to gesture him to stop talking. “ I was blinded by my love for my daughter, if you hadn’t seen your daughter in ten years then you would do anything you could to see her again, wouldn’t you?” A small smile was painted over her face.

  “ I would, as a matter of fact, I haven’t seen my daughter in awhile so I think I’ll go do that now.” Hamada stood from his seat and walked toward the door, “ I’ll be back in a little while, we can see your daughter soon.” He left the room before heading over to D/n’s interogation room.

12: 57 AM

Y/n laid there, frozen in place. At a complete stand and nothing had changed, she was still a ghostly plae while her root remained off-white. No imporvement.

Kaminari held her hand before dozing off to sleep. Katsuki stayed awake, still on high alert, he held onto Y/n’s other hand, brushing his thumb over her knuckles every few minutes.

  “ You should go back to the dorms and sleep boy.” Recovery Girl waddled into the room. “ You must be tired after this long night you’ve had. I can watch Y/n while she sleeps, she’s safe here.” She nodded before patting the boys knee.

Katsuki shook his head, “ I’m okay here.” his voice barely coming above a whisper. Recovery Girl nodded before taking the sleeping girls vitals.

  “ Well if you’re going to stay then I suppose he his too,” She nodded to the sleeping boy, laying his head in his arms while still holding onto her hand. Katsuki nodded. “ If that’s the case then theres another bed if you do get tired, Y/n seemes to be doing fine so you have nothing to be worried about.” She smiled sweetly at him beofre exiting the room.

Katsuki stared down at his sister, brushing his thumb against her knuckles for the upteenth time, giving her hand a light squeeze in the process.

‘Maybe bringing her here wasn’t the best idea. I am the reason she’s here, if she wasn’t here then she wouldn’t have gotten kidnapped, For the first time in a long time, he was having doubts about his desicions. ’Her parents wouldn’t be here to take her away again. none of this would have happened.’

None of this would have happned. She wouldn’t get to see you as often, she would be at home by herself, lonely. She wouldn’t have met Kaminari and get this chance to smile the way she did tonight. You and Kirishima whouldn’t be together if you didn’t give her the offer. Never, never had this happened to him before. His mind and heart were at war with each other, his head always told him what to do, never had his heart decided to fight back and prove him wrong.

Something was changing in him again. It still scared him.

His hands shook while he broke into a cold sweat. This problem had yet to occur in front of him.

Katsuki stood abrubtly, the chair behind him skidded before he took a step forward. Another step was taken, smaller than the first, but he was trying.

It was sufficating in there, the small room seemed to shrink around Katsuki as his eyes shot around the room, looking for an exit. His breathing became shallow and quick while his hands shook and his legs went weak. Katsuki felt the need to get out, to leave the steaming room although his body was at different temperatures. His body hot yet his face seemed to freeze. His eyes finally landed on the exit, so close yet so far.

Katsuki took another step, incomplete this time. Something was holding him back, something frigid against his burning skin. Red orbs darted down to the scorce.

There she laid, her hand wrapped around his the same way it was before. He looked up to her face, resting, how could he leave her? How could he leave her here by herself after what had happened?

Katsuki’s features softened, the shaking stopped although his legs still felt weak, he sat in his chair again.

  “ Bakugo, what the hell are you doing?” The sleepy voice broke out. Kaminari sat up with a hand rubbing his eyes.

His breathing deepened, the shallow breaths nonexistent, the cold sweat came to a slow stop. Katsuki breathed out while shaking his head, his eyes darted to the door again.

  “ You weren’t going to leave, were you?” He yawned. Katsuki shook his head and shrugged. “ After everything that happened?”

“ I wasn’t going to leave.” He grumbled.

  “ Bakugo, are you okay?” Kaminari sat up fully, the tired expression from before vanished and was replaced with a look of concern.

“ I don’t fucking know, somethings wrong with me, I’m just tired.” He sighed.

  “ If you’re tired then go back to the dorms, or sleep in that bed, I can watch her.” Kaminari suggested.

“ Maybe.” Katsuki got up, his hand slipped out of Y/n’s.

She’ll be here in the morning, he was sure of it.

:(: A/n: Hey guys. I'm so sorry for not posting
in absolute ages! I've been busy with
moving my things from one house to the next
and a few other personal things. It took awhile
to pull myself together again
but I'm back and I do apologize again
for not posting in a fat minute.
WC: 1,361
<3 <3 Love youself because
each and every one of you are
more than deserving of it <3 <3

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