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:(: Y/n’s POV :):

' How does that even work, argueing about something that should have never come up and then going to a dance together. Or are we not going? Did I force him to go with me or was he going to go willingly, wait but he wanted to go with me and I never wanted to go. Wait, what?' My brain sprinted the 1,600 meter dash :(: 1,600 meter dash is the mile:): while I rode down the elevator to the common room.

My train of thought was cut off by the darkness of the common room. No one was up yet and when I turned the light on, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Katsuki were peacefully slepping on the couch.

Katsuki was slightly snoring while his head was laying on Kirishimas lap and his feet were laying on Kaminaris chest. Kaminari was laying against the couch's arm rest as one of his feet was laying ontop of Katsuki's face and the other was propped on Kirishima's shoulder getting into Kirishima's face.

I took a few pitures then went back to the light switch and continueously flipped the switch on and off. Sparks of electricity were zapping around Kaminari due to the obssesive use of the light switch, Katsuki began to stir until the tiny sparks shocked all three boys, waking them up.

I giggled while Mina and Sero came down the elevator together with confused looks. I exploded with laughter after seeing the couple and the death glares Kaminari was recieving from Katuski and Kirishima.

“ What the hell was that?” Kaminari shot up and stared at me and the two behind me.

  “ I don’t know, what was that?” I smirked and headed to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

I found a few things but none of them sounded good, until I found Katsuki’s stash of spicy food, I grabbed something, knowing he would definetly mind but wouldn’t do anything in the end because we’re evenly matched.

“ Y/n, you know those are Bakugo’s right?” Mina popped in the kitchen and peeked at what I was eating. “ How can you even eat those?” She looked at the food with disgust, “ They’re too spicy.”

  “ I grew up with this,” I shook the food slightly, “ he’s not gonna do anything, especailly if he doesn’t know if it was me. Besides, it’s not the first time I’ve eaten his food.” I finished. Mina Continued to look at the food with desguist but shrugged in response.

“  Hey, that was really nice, what you did for Bakugo and Kirishima.” She smiled at me as we walked into the common room, “ And! I heard you got a date to the dance… with Kaminari.” Mina whispered while winking at me then looking over at the couches where the three boys once were.

  “ I don’t really even know if we’re going together…” I said in a hushed tone while shoving food into my mouth, “ Who knows, we never really comfirmed it and mixed signals were sent.” I added, as we headed now out to the poarch of the 1-a allaince to sitt on the steps.

“ Then just ask him, it’s easy.” Mina shrugged while messing with nail like it was nothing.

  “ Thats easier said than done Mina, don't you remember what happened at the first girls night I went.” I reminded her of our conversation with the other girls.

“ Yeah, a little bit, next time, we’re bringing the girls from 1-b, you should come, I don’t think you’ve met them, you never talked to them.” She reminded me.

  “ Yeah, cause they’re as annoying as Katsuki says.” I deadpanned.

Mina sighed before changing the topic, “ Hey, we’re going shopping after school, wanna come?”

  “ Um, what for?”

“ Prom prep.” She stated simply while standing.

Several of the others joined us and we left for school, I saw Mina run ahead and whisper to Kirishima then Kirishima whisper to Kaminari, he looked at Katsuki before nodding.

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