+5+ Call +5+

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:(: Y/n’s POV :):

The next morning Mom gave me Aizawa’s phone number so I could talk to him about entering U.A but currently, I was getting ready for school while trying to call Candy and maybe tell her what happened yesterday.

I dropped my phone and then dropped my shoes, I picked up my phone, dailed Candy’s number then decided to put my shoe on. The phone rang for a bit until she answered.

  “ Hey~, Y/n, you never call this early, what’s up?” Candy’s sweet, concerned voice spoke through the phone.

“ Nothing, just wanted to say hi.” I said.

  “ Um, you’re gonna see me at school in like twenty minutes, why do you need to say hi now?” She asked another question.

“ Don’t know. I got bored and needed something to do other than get ready for school.” I was making up everything at this point, to be honest, I didn’t have a reason to call her but I just felt like it.

  “ Oh, do you want me and Kenji to come pick you up or do you want to meet up at school like usual?” She asked.

“ We can meet up at school, I guess.” I answered while grabbing my bag and heading out of my room to the living room.

  “ Ok, I’ll see you then.” Candy was about to hang up until Katsuki came barginning into the my room.

“ Oi, when are you talking to Aizawa about U.A?” He interuppted.

  “ Hey, Bakugo!” Candy yelled through the phone.

“ I’ll talk to him later, after school.” I hissed at him.

  “ Y/n, who’s Aiza-” Candy started until I hung up, I flipped off Katsuki then left the house and started to walk to school.

When I got to school I went straight for the courtyard, a few people would hang out there before school started and I had about ten minutes before school offically started.

As I got there I saw Kenji was already waiting on one of the benches facing the other way. Kenji wasn’t too hard to find, other than the fact that most of his hair his black and a lot of people have black hair.

I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder, he jumped and turned his head. Stepping over the bench I greeted him.

  “ Hey, Kenji, what’s up?” I asked looking over at him.

Kenji’s red eyes shined in the sunlight making them look lighter tint of red and his bright red bangs blew in the wind.

Apparently, the pollen was also blowing in the wind, causing him to sneeze.

“ Damn, I hate allergies,” He sniffled as he rubbed his nose. “ Hi, Y/n, my mood was up until allergies decided to be stupid.” Kenji finished while laughing, I laughed with him until I saw a famillair pink haired girl running toward us.

“ Hi! Kenji, Y/n! How’s it going?” She panted out of breath.

Candy looked at us then took a seat on the other side of me, she looked up at the sun and I looked over at her.

  “ Candy, you’re going to go blind if you keeping looking into the sun like that.” I said as she looked back at the two of us.

“ What’s wrong with going blind?” She shrugged.

“ Nothing, just that you’d have to learn how to read with the weird dot things and you wouldn’t get to see my handsome face everyday!” Kenji exclaimed.

“ I think I’d rather go blind then have to look at your ‘handsome’ face everyday.” I playfully rolled my eyes and Kenji punched my arm as Candy just laughed, “ And those dot things aren’t weird, they’re helpful.” I corrected.

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