+20+ Stay With Us +20+

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:(: Y/n’s POV :):

I was slowly walking away from the three of them as they stayed put.

   “ You’ll die of starvation before you get there unless your fatigue catches up with you!” I heard Dabi yell as I slowly continued to walk.

“ I don’t care.” I replied as Dabi came up to my side. " Just as long as you leave me alone, you guys really fucked me up..." I continued as Dabi walked with me, Shigaraki and Toga followed suit.

" I'm seeing things because of starvation and fatigue, Toga convinced me that no one cares about me so I'm not trying to get home because people are "worried" about me, I'm doing it for me." My voice was firm as tears continued to fall. " So go the hell away, you've done enough." I dissmissed them and they followed.

Of course they didn't leave, they kidnapped me and aren't letting me go.

My feet hurt and my stomatch had stopped growling as it had accepted the fact that I'm getting anything to eat any time soon, I had a huge headache, dark circles surrounded my eyes and I probably smelled like shit, but I continued to walk for what seemed like hours when I had really been walking for less then five minutes.

" We're not going anywhere but back to base and you're coming with us." Shigaraki grabbed my arm with four fingers and pulled me the other way as I tried to stay put.

" For the last damn time, I'm not going anwhere but back to the city, so get the hell off of me and let me go." I mummbled while I looked back at him while trying to give him the deadliest stare I could possibly muster in my weak state. It seemed to work, Shigaraki let my arm go and took a step back.

The four of us stood there in the open field before Dabi popped up in front of me and threw me over his shoulder then walked in the direction of the LOV base.

' I can't let this happen again, I just got out, I can't go back, not now.' I pleaded with myself again and again. ' Just enough to knock the three of them out and then I can run as fast as I can.' I told myelf.

Finally, I was able to convince myself that I could do it and I was able to activate my quirk, the ground beneith me and Dabi moved backward and he fell face first and I landed on my back.

Before anyone could react, I did the same to Toga and Shigaraki and they both fell to the ground as Dabi started to get up. I moved away and hit the back of Dabi's head, knocking him out.

I quickly did the same to Shigaraki, as he had a slow reaction time, but Toga was able to get back up in no time.

" Y/n, stop this, I'm so lonely at the LOV, I-" I cut her off.

" That sounds like a you problem, don't drag me into this, it was your choice to join the LOV and maybe it wasn't but I'm positive you had more than one chance to change that outcome." I used the same move again on her again and she tripped and burried her knee beep into the dirt, it'll take her awhile to dig out.

" I'm sorry that you're lonely and I'm sorry you turned out this way but that's not my problem to fix and I'm sorry about that too, I'll see you later Toga." I started to run with the leftover adrenalin I had from a few moments before.

As my pace slowed, the city became a tad clearer than before. I stopped and stared at the towering building's as they gradualy faded away like the setting sun. I continued to observe until everything slowly went dark.

~{When You Wake Up}~

Everything came back to me, my senses, my memory, and my thoughts.

I peeled my eyes open to see a ceiling made of wood, I shot up as my eyes danced around the strange room.

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