+7+ Training +7+

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 :(:Y/n's POV:):

  All day I’ve had to put up with Mineta drooling over me, Kaminari’s "flirtling" , and students asking me about Katsuki and I’s realationship

I participated in all of the 1-a students classes and so far the most entertaining class was Present Mic's.

I mean, yeah, he was loud as fuck and it killed my ears but at least it wasn't boring.

His reaction to meeting me is something I'll never forget. Not only cause he told me not to and it’s hard to forget a grown-ass man that looks like cockatoo and has a voice that kills, but it was also kinda embarrassing.

When I walked in, Present Mic immedently noticed and tripped me as I was walking up to him. I'm not sure how it happened and might not have been him but it was strange either way.

 After I got up we shook hands and when he said 'Hi' it was the worst feeling my ears have ever expirenced. They rang so loudly to the point to where I was almost knocked over and couldn't hear for a little more than one or two minutes. Mic apologized then ruffled up my hair. 

 After that I couldn't fix it and I went the rest of class with some of my hair sticking up all over the place. I'm almost positive that some of the others were giggling about it.

 Midnight's class was intresting, I mean, I can't lie, she put on a show, a very seductive show at that. My eyes almost lost their virginity.

Some of the other classes I couldn’t care less.

  At the current moment, everyone was outside at one of U.A’s many training grounds.

Katsuki had kept close to me and when I say close, I mean he never let me out of his sight. I walked next to him for a majority of the time and he didn't seem to mind in the slightest, Redhead seemed to prefure to stay close to Katsuki too and Ashido remained close to me.

  " Today's training will mainly be focused on review. Review what you've done this week to keep it locked in, you may also attempt to make new moves along with one-v-ones." I came to learn that Aizawa's voice never changed. It remained in the same, boring, monotone voice 24/7 and it wasn’t too hard to recognize.

I didn't mind too much, at least he was never screeching like Present Mic or squealing like Midnight. All Might was also at the training and Midnight joined him.

  " Hello again, Y/n. How are things here at U.A? Do you like it here? Have you made friends, why are you always with Bakugo?" Midnight poked my arm a few times before I lightly pushed it away. Katsuki was rolling his eyes and scowling at her.

" Um, you aksed me the same questions when I came into your classroom. The answers are still the same." I said while walking away, leaving Katsuki for Midnight to pester. He seemed ticked off by her.

" So~, Y/n, wanna one-v-one?" Dunce-face came up to me while batting his eyelashes.

" Hell no." I answered bluntly with a slight growl.

 :(: Denki's POV :):

 I saw Ms. Midnight poking Y/n in the arm until she pushed it away and left leaving Bakugo behind looking pissed off. I decided to talk to her and maybe not flirt.

  " So~, Y/n, wanna one-v-one?" I asked while waving, the shine in her eyes were a mix of annoyence and resentment, I could hardly tell what else.

 " Hell no." Y/n declined bluntly with a little growl. 

It struck me right in the heart, almost reminding me of Bakugo's growl and tone.

  " Well I wanna see you fight and I'm postitive that you said I'd pay the price for staring." I reminded and waited for a reaction.

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