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:(: 3rd POV :):

5:20 AM

Only an hour and 20 minutes of sleep, of course he could go home again for more rest after taking the annoying yet confusing couple to see their daughter. It seemed early but he would have a load of paperwork waiting for him when he got there.

“ Are you leaving already? You only got an hour of sleep.” Masahiro’s wife sat up and rubbed her eyes.

“ Yes, I have a lot to do today but I’ll be back before dinner. I promise.” He kissed her forehead and left for the bedroom door.

“ And if you’re not?” She called before he closed the door.

“ Then I owe you whatever you’d like.” He shrugged, “ Deal?” A grumbled came from his wife before she flopped back down onto the bed.

5:32 AM

“ You need to get up and shower boy!” Recovery Girl burst into her office and shouted at the sleeping boy. Kaminari shot up and looked around the room, the short yet fiesty lady stood at the door. Her brows furrowed and eyes squinted while her tiny hand held the door open.

“ I’m sorry Ms. Recovery Girl.” Kaminari rubbed his eyes and looked down at her.

Almost as if he forgot about the events earlier that morning, he got out of the bed without a sceond thought the the girl also in the bed.

“ What are you doing?” Recovery Girl scolded the boy and hobbed to the hospital bed to check on Y/n. “ You could have pulled the I.V out.” She checked the needles in her arm before sighing.

“ I’m sorry.” Kaminari apologized again.

“ Stop apologizing boy, just go get changed, you reak.” She pushed him out of the room, a concerned look plastered over her face as she looked back at Y/n and then back at the door.

6:05 AM

“ We’ve gotten news that your kid is alive and well. She’s stuck in a coma though, the doctors say that she’ll wake up in a month or two if everything goes well.” Hamada read off a clip board before looking up to the couple sitting in an overnight cell. The exact same from a few hours prior, “ You sleep good?” He asked with a yawn.

“ Sure, when can we leave?” M/n sat up straighter with pep coursing through her veins.

“ It’ll take about an hour and a half to get all the paper work filled out.” The detective/babysitter stated before leaving the two.

“ Hold on!” Hamada stopped and turned back, “ Can I get a phone call?” He stuck his arm out of the cell as it hung loosely.

“ No.” He finally left the two before heading out to the stack of papers waiting on his desk.

8:39 AM

An hour and a half of paper work, then another half hour of sitting in the damned security van. In between two idiots, one that won’t stop bouncing with energy and the other who seems too calm for comfort; opposites. And Hamada had to sit in between the two while other police got to sit across from him or in their own patrol cars.

“ What, no conversation?” A police officer shrugged while a small smirk plastered itself onto his face.

“ Shut up.” Hamada snapped.

“ Masahiro, you gotta be nicer than that.” He spoke while shifting.

“ I don’t feel like talking, besides we’re here.” Hamada uncrossed his arms and waited to leave the vechile.

The four stepped out of the vechile while other trained officers waited around them.

“ Welcome back.” Principal Nezu wore his usual smile while he stood at the gate, All Might, Aizawa, and Midnight joined him.

“ I’ve got my eye on you.” Midnight pointed a finger at D/n then turned back to walk with the two teachers and her boss. The few officers, the couple and Hamada followed them into Recovery Girls small office. “ Don’t take too long.” Midnight scowled while Nezu could only sigh.

“ Please take as much time as you need, if anything happens please let us know, Mr. and Mrs. Bakugo should be here soon.” Nezu lead the steaming teacher away from the rest. Aizawa and All Might stayed.

Y/n lay there, she was in a different position now, slightly sat up as her head rolled to the side. The roots of her hair were fading into their true color instead of gray while her skin began to return to it’s natrual color, although there was still a tint of discoloration.

“ She’s so pale.” M/n spoke, a hint of revolt lined her words. “ It’s disturbing.” She shuddered beofre giving her husband a slap to the arm. “ Why did you have to use you quirk so much?”

“ Our daughter is strong willed and incredibly obstinite, I had no other choice, besides the toxins in her body are wearing off, see?” D/n mentioned to the color of her roots and skin.

“ Explain the toxins, L/n.” Hamda spoke up, he was standing by the door, observing the two.

“ The mist releases a toxin, I make it within my own body,” D/n started, feeling the need to pint out where the mist comes from, “ impressive, I know. The toxins inhabit their brain, which leads to them being in my control, it slowly picks at the brain and body, killing them in a way.

It gives the affect of them being dead, the appearence. Once the toxins wear off, they gain the lively look they once had.” He finished while staring back at Y/n. “ Of course I could always kill the toxins myself but I’m afraid these cuffs and mask are phrohibiting me to do so.” He shrugged.

“ Please do, take them off, I want to talk to her, tell her I’m sorry.” M/n batted her eyelashes while holding her wrists up, signalling that she wanted them off. Hamada looked back at the officers, the two that were also in the room nodded and Hamada signaled D/n to step closer.

“ Do you really need both of these off?” He asked while grabbing for the keyes to the locked mask.

“ Alright you caught me Masahiro, I lied, I only need one of them off, it’s the mask.” The corners of D/n’s eyes wrinkled as he smiled under the face covering. Hamada rose a brow at the mention of his first name and the white lie.

“ Don’t try anything.” He unlocked the face mask and D/n lifted his hands to rub his jaw.

“ Alright, here goes nothing.” D/n spoke, his voice much more clear and less static sounding.

He released a small amount of mist, it surrounded his daughter before he took a deep breath in. M/n bounced with anticipation and excitment, waiting for her child to flutter her eyes open.

Another stream of mist left then reentered D/n’s mouth for a minute before he stopped.

“ That should do it.” A satisfied hum came from him while he looked proundly at the detectie and his wife. Even though his spouse could pay no mind to him and only focused on Y/n.

She never moved. Her eyes never opened, she hadn’t changed even an inch from her original position.

“ D/n, you idiot, that did nothing.” The pep that pulsed through M/n’s veins drained and was replaced with dissapointment.

“ Huh, it should have.”

:(: A/n: Oki I know this chapter sucks
I've been procrasinating and the motivation
to write has dropped, it's alright though
because I'm trying to get
back into the habit.
One iMPorTAnt announcement


It is his birthday today, Aril 20th
He's a wonderful brother in this book
and he's a great character<3
<3<3 Love yourself 'cause I may
not know you but I love you anyway <3 <3
Also, thanks for 8.7k reads too ^w^

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