+19+ Make It Back +19+

482 11 2

:(: Y/n’s POV :):

Dabi closed then locked the door from the outside while I stared at the exacto blade, trying to make it move.

Not only have I been working on the sub-elements but I’ve been trying to use my quirk without all of the hand movements, it’s tiring, the movements I do help take all of the weight off the element but without them, it takes a toll on my brain and muscles.

I continued to think about how I wanted to move it, all of the compressed earth inside of the blade that turned it into the blade.

‘ Why can’t I focus? Damn it, at this rate I’ll never get out.’ My head hung low as I looked down at the fallen rope that was once around my ankles.

My head then whipped up and my eyes were met with the exacto blade.

I reached my foot out in attempt to slide it closer to me.

My leg was stretched out and the blade finally slid over to me.

The blade was now right in front of me and underneith my foot.

'This shouldn't be too hard, right?' Right as I was about to activate my quirk again the door swung open to reveal Shigaraki.

I quickly shoved the knife under the chair and moved my legs to look like they were still tied to the legs of the chair.

" What do I owe the pleasure, Shigaraki?" I put on my best fake smile.

" Nothing that concerns you, for now. I heard you're thinking about joining the league." Shigaraki scratched his neck while looking down at my now weak figure. " You're actually putting thought into it, unlike your so called 'brother' did." He continued to scratch.

" Katsuki's stubborn and he has his heart dead set on what he thinks is right, I on the other hand, I need to be a bit more stubborn." I muttered while looking away from his bloody colored eyes.

" Then join us, there isn't much to think about, Toga also told me that no one has thought about coming for you, no one cares about you," He paused and kneeled down to my level. " Be stubborn about that, you don't need them and they certently don't need you." Shigaraki finished.

" Maybe," I whispered, I tried so hard to not look at my ankles and let him see the cut rope " But you know what I am dead set on?' I asked him as he looked back at me. " Staying by Katsuki's side, whether that means becoming a hero with him or doing something completely different." I finished.

We were staring at nothing but each other as Shigaraki sighed and stood up while not breaking eye contact.

" You can stay by his side in the afterlife." Shigaraki said while placing four fingers on my face, he was so close to placing his pinky down when the door burst open.

" Tomura, what are you doing?" It was Toga. " We aren't supposed to kill her. Anyway, you know who needs you." Toga said as Shigaraki finally removed his hand and I let out a breath. " He's on the phone." Toga then giggled as Shigaraki left.

She skipped up then around me.

“ Turns out people are looking for you,” Toga giggled, “ But guess what, it’s not your family, not U.A” She continued to laugh, “ It’s the pro’s, they’re doing all of the work and you know what that means?” Toga paused and let me think,

“ Nothing comes to mind, huh, well it means that they still don't care about you! They’re having the pro’s do all of the work while they sit back and do nothing.” She continued to skip in circles around me until she finaly skipped out of the dark room.

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