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:(: Y/n's POV :):

I forced my eyes back open, the light more welcoming than the first time. The shrinking feeling faded as did the darkness. The first step into taking control of this power, is acknowledging the need to fight and gaining the will to continue.

With energy slowly filling my veins, although it was most likely adrenalin, I was able to sit up and lean against the wall. A sigh left my lips.

  " You really shouldn't strain youself Y/n," I looked up, a soft tone replaced the rough shouts from a few seconds prior. " You could hurt yourself." A shiver traveled up my spine.

" I'm not a child." My voice came out hoarse and dry, it felt like the words were scraping up my throat in order to leave my mouth.

  " I know but a lot has happened, are you cold?" Mom spoke scrambling to my side to help the slipping blacket back to it's place.

" I'm fine, just chilly." My eye lids drooped before I forced them back open.

Mom and Dad sat in the room with me, the yellow sleeping bag remained in the same position. The princapal left to speak with the man outside. It was silent. Comfortable at first before a sense of dread flooded the room. Almost like a gas filling in through the vent, something you wouldn't expect, unless on high-alert.

  " Open your eyes," A slightly gruff yet gentle voice urged me with a shake on my shoulder. The warmth encouraging me to obey. " that's more like it." The hand left my shoulder and a head of beach-blond hair came into view.

"..." I tried to say something, anything, yet an invisible force squeezed at my throat. I looked down at my hand sitting in my lap. A hand was placed on my head and the weight on my right side shifted.

  " Don't force too much." The reassuring whisper only made me sulk at my weakness.

I clenched my jaw. The second step; make amends, allies. They won't help you in the final battle, but they'll help you get there.

" I'm sorry," A shaky breath left my lips, " I'm sorry for whatever I said, did, everything.. I'm sorry." I took a glance at the boy next to me, a sandy hair color and burning red eyes. He seemed to relax at the words but a part of him wasn't entirely sure if he could believe the sentence.

  " I told you not to force too much." I sighed and leaned against the wall with me, his legs kicked up so they laid next to mine.

" It really isn't too much," He slightly turned his head to look at me fully. " I'm okay.. Katsuki." The white of his eyes grew as they widened slightly.

The three words meant more than I could ever know, considering the fact that the events of yesterday were still blurry.

The next few seconds were covered by soft sobs and a warm embrace. Katsuki denied the need to say something back but that seemed okay with the current situation. a silence filled the room, Katsuki's quiet cries eased but his shoulder continued to shake as he tried to steady his breathing.

The feeling of his hug jerked at my brain, something felt familiar that begged for attention. The way he held the back of my head and the other arm wrapped around my shoulders, tears that slipped down onto my shoulder and continued to roll.

The deja-vu snapped as the memory filled my body, unable to spark in my head.

  " You're back," Katsuki mumbled, his breath warmed the rest of my body, " you're here, with Mom, Dad, U.A.. me." I rose a brow at his choice of words but let it slide seeing as though something must have happened while I wasn't right.

" I'm staying."

:(: Denki's POV :):

I slid Recovery Girl's office door open again, Y/n sit there, Bakugo sat next to her in bed and her parents stayed in the same spot while Mr. Aizawa wiggled out of his sleeping bag.

  " You're back." Y/n smiled. The fact that she was fully awake and seemed okay slowly sank in.

" Denki dear, Katsuki, keep her compainy while we go talk to the princepal." Mrs. Bakugo ordered while leaving, taking her husband and Aizawa-sensei with her. A small pit sank in my stomach. We both nodded.

" Are you feeling any warmer?" I glanced at her while taking a seat in the rolling chair next to the bed.

Y/n gave a simple nod, the make-up had been rubbed off and a pair of eye bags were clearly seen. I grabbed onto her hand, Bakugo stole a glance at them, his eyebrows frowning.

' Something is definetly wrong.' I tried to shake off the feeling but it glued onto me, sinking deeper and deeper into the pit in my stomach.

We sat in silence, Bakugo's expression never changed, worried. Despite having his sister next to him, despite her parents finally leaving and going to jail, despite all of the good happening around him, around us, he knew something was wrong and not being able to know bugged me to the core.

  " I can't wait for them to be gone." Y/n sighed at stared up at the ceiling. The memory of her staring blankly into space rang in my head. " Once they're gone, everything can go back to normal. That's what I hope at least." A soft smile graced her lips. At least Y/n was seeing the good.

" What else do you hope for?" I urged her to continue, wanting to make all of it come true.

She hummed contently, " I want to see everyone again, I know it hasn't been long but I wanna know if they're okay, then I want to get back to training, I wasn't able to do anything last night, I wanna be stronger." Her head rolled over to look at me.

The color in her skin and eyes were replacing the chilling neutral colors. " I can't remember what happened but, I know I wasn't able to do much. It hurts knowing that you can't do anything to help, I learned that the hard way and I'm sure both of you have been through that too." Y/n reached for Bakugos arm, wrapping her with his while she squeezed my hand.

" I know what that feels like." Bakugo muttered. ' I'm sure he does, I'm sure he feels that way right now too.' Y/n faltered and spoke again.

  " I wanna stay, I don't want to leave. I can't, I promised you that I'd support and help you all I could, so I will." She looked over at Bakugo. " I want to stay by your side too, Denki, I want to help you like I want to help Katsuki." Then back at me.

At the mention of Bakugo's name, his eyes narrowed and his eyebrows furrowed.

' What does he know that I don't?' In all honesty, I knew as much as he did when it came to school, Y/n helped with that much, but when the topic came to her, I withered when compaired to what Bakugo knew. Especially when it came to her family, adopted or not.

The office door slid open again. The Bakugo's as well as Princepal Nezu and Aizawa-sensei. The shouts of Y/n's mother faded as they walked down the hallway.

The grave faces on everyones face made Y/n start to shake and the pit in my stomach was made into a sinkhole.

  " We've talked, signed papers and come to an agreement." Mr. Bakugo started and paused, Y/ns grip wrapped around Bakugo's arm tightened as did the grip of her hand on mine.

" We're taking Y/n out of U.A.

:(: A/n
This book is coming to a close
in a few chapters.
That's all I'm
gonna say.
WC: 1,318

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