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:(: Y/n’s POV :):

Goose bumps trailed my skin as everyone froze, scared.

The three of us began looking around the entrance of the gym, several students followed our lead and some were already outside before us, looking for anything that might have cut the power. We wandered for a few minutes straight until I felt the ground shake. I ignored it, the ground shook all the time, I’m at a hero school and quirks and fights go on and off quite often, I’ve gotten used to it.

The more I ignored it, the more the ground quaked.

  “ You guys feel that right?” I held onto Katsuki and pulled my high-heels off.

“ Feel what?” Kaminari spoke.

  “ I don’t know, I felt the ground shake.” I answered as I waited to see if the ground would shiver again.

“ Tch, you’re wearing stupid heels, you’re probably wobblely.” Katsuki scoffed at me while I continued to walked around bare foot.

  “ I swear I felt it, I’m not wearing heels anymore.” I protested while walking over to Kaminari. “ You believe me right?” My voice was smug, knowing Kaminari would side with me. I set my elbow on his shoulder, even though it was higher than mine, I leaned against it.

“ I don’t know Y/n, I didn’t feel anything and Bakugo’s right, you were wearing heels and you’ve been walking for awhile.” He shrugged while stepping to the side letting my shoulder slip off, he caught me before I fell onto the floor.

  “ Well damn.” I mummbled whlie standing up straight and dusting off the imaginary dirt on my dress.

It happened again. The ground grumbled then shivered and shook, stronger this time then before. There were several squeals and screams as everyone moved with the ground, some falling, others grabbing onto each other for balance, and some left to balanace on their own. I stared at Katsuki, waiting for him to say something, anything, instead of shouting, he stared into space.

I glanced over at Kaminari, relying on him was best as Katsuki didn’t exactly have his head in the game. Kaminari wasn’t much help, his head had drifted off to the dark clouds floating in the sky, they covered the moon before another earthquake made way to the school.

Glass shattered and corners and edges of the gym had fallen, those who were relying on themselves to balance fell, bringing down other students in the process. Heads were covered and screams were more intense then before. Almost everyone had fallen, those who were standing were caught in a daze, staring up at the bright moon.

I stood from the ground, it was done, the strongest quake was over but something wasn’t right. I could feel it.

After brushing myself off and looking to the sky, the misty daze everyone was in had dragged me in and surrounded me. I couldn’t move, my limbs and nerves were burning, my heart beat quickened, all of the pumping blood went for my head. It felt like my brain would explode any second. The feeling was all too famillair.

I tried to activate my quirk, to feel anything other then my pounding head and the hot, pricklely sensation that occupied my body.

  “ She’s not inside and she’s not out here either.” A males voice broke the unbearable silence.

“ Then where is she? My power only goes as far as this, I can’t expand to the dorms, if I leave and she is here she’ll get away.” A female voice snapped. “ And instead of taking her, I’ll take your head.” She threatened the man.

‘What the hell is going on? I can’t move my head, my arms, my anything!’ The more I pushed myself to move, the more blood rushes to my head, the more my headache grows. ‘ I feel like I’m on fire, like my skin is peeling.’

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