+4+ Dorms +4+

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:(: Y/n’s POV :):

  “ We’re putting all of the students into a dorm system and I’m quite intested in L/n.” ‘ I’m sorry, you're what?’ I thought. “ We’re just here to ask permission to get Bakugo into a dorm.” All Might finished.

“ Hell yeah, you can get this kid into a dorm!” Mom exclaimed while smacking Katsuki in the back of his head after he freaked out. I sat there in silence while Katsuki started to argue with Mom as Dad tried to calm eveyone down.

  “ What do you mean intrested in me?” I piped up making everyone stop. I was seriously curious, why’d anyone take intrest in me? Especialy All Might.

“ Well, we didn’t know Bakugo had any sibilings.” Aizawa stated.

  “ That makes scence, I guess…” I trailed off, “ So what exactly are you intrested in?” I asked, Mom was bickering with Katsuki still and Dad had given up on trying to calm them.

“ Lot’s of thing, what’s your quirk? And, uh…” All Might started but trailed off.

  “ My quirk is earth manipulation and I’m not Katsuki’s boilogical sister, I was adopted.” I already knew his next question, it was pretty obvious, I mean Katsuki has red eyes while I have e/c eyes and he has beach blonde hair and I have h/c hair. ( If you kinda look like any of them then I’m sorry for saying you don’t but I don’t know what any of you look like.)

A lot of people question us, I mean, there was this one time when some lady thought we were dating. I guess it also kinda has it’s advantages, I’ve never really been the dating, romantic type and Katsuki kept other guys away from me. It’s wierd to think about.

“ Oh, well, that makes more sence, how does your quirk work?” All Might asked again, I kinda feel bad for Aizawa.

I sighed and started to explain.

  “ My quirk is simple, I control, manipulate, or whatever you want to call it, earth. You know like rocks, lava, stone, metal, stuff like that.” I explained.

“ How much training have you had?” Aizawa spoke up.

  “ Ever since Kats-, Bakugo started, which was like the end of 5th grade, so 4 years, about” I stated, it was true, Katsuki was always aiming for the best and when Mom finally let me train with him, he worked me down to my core, every single day I’d walk in from the back door and collapse on the couch covered in bruses, some blood, and sratches, sometimes ashes or tiny explosion marks

“ I’ll consider it, the real question is if you want to attend U.A.” Aizawa spoke again as he adgusted in his seat.

“ It wouldn’t be a bad idea, Y/n. You could keep an eye on Katsuki and you wouldn’t have to work anymore and we all know that Katsuki likes to train with you,” Dad said, I thought for a minute and shrugged.

“ I guess but being a hero is Katsuki’s thing and I actually like my job, I’ll think about it though” I replied.

I play a specific part in Katsuki’s life, be his sister and support him, don’t get in his way of being number one hero and help when needed. That’s all I’m really here for.

“ We’ll give you time to think about it,” All Might told me, I got up from my seat on the couch and headed toward the stairs, Katsuki did the same. “Mr and Mrs Bakugo, we have some papers for you to sign and then we’ll head out.” I heard All Might say as me and Katsuki headed up the stairs.

I went into my room and Katsuki followed.

  “ Why don’t you want to be a hero?” He asked.

“ ‘Cause that’s not my thing, it’s your thing.” I answered as I flopped onto my bed, Katsuki sighed and did the same.

  “ It’s not my thing, it’s everyone’s thing, they all want to be heros and that’s a stupid excuse.” Katsuki huffed. “ I mean, I’m gonna be number one hero, don’t you want to be apart of that?” He stated.

“ And what would you want me to be? Your sidekick?” I asked sarcasticly while rolling my eyes.

  " Yeah right, I don’t need one,” He grunted.

“ I’d much rather support you from the sidelines.” I admitted.

  “ You could support me way better if you went to U.A.” He protested, he’s not giving up.

“ Well, number one hero has all the attention and if I randomly step in sayin ‘Hey, I’m number one hero’s sister!’ That takes a lot of the attention away, it takes even more attention away if they didn’t know from the beginning.” I protested back.

  “ Who said they had to know?” He mummbled, “ Come on, It’d be so much more fun if I got to beat your ass infront of everyone!” He then exclaimed.

“ Fine, whatever.” I gave in, rolled my eyes while sighing, Katsuki put on a devilish smirk and looked out the window, “Why don’t you tell me about your classmates, I’ve heard very little about them.” I sighed.

Katsuki told me that they were a bunch of extra’s and that I only needed to know their stupid nickmames he gave them.

Katsuki went back to his room and I went to find Mom and Dad.

  “ Hey, Mom.” I greetted her when I found her in the kitchen looking through what I brought home for dinner. “ So, uh, did All Might and Aizawa leave?”

“ Yep, Aizawa gave me his number so I could give it to you, you know, just incase you wanted to go to U.A with Katsuki.” She replied. “ Have you decided or do you need more time?” She asked whie placing dinner plates on the table.

  “ Yep, me and Katsuki talked about it, I’m going.” I stated blandly and Mom made an ‘O’ shape with her mouth.

“ Oh, you didn’t want to talk about it with me or your dad?” She asked, I shook my head and helped Mom set silverware on the table.

  “ Not really, um, I’ll go get Katsuki and Dad.” I excused myself and went to go get the others. “ Hey, Katsuki, it’s time for dinner and Mom says you can’t eat in your room.” I lied, I can tell Mom wants to talk with him and what better way then to lie?

“ Like I’d listen to that old hag.” He grunted.

  “ Ok.” I said and walked back down the stairs forgetting about Dad. “ Mom, Katsuki wont come down stairs.” I said loudly enough for him to hear from his room.

In the next couple of seconds, the whole neighborhood could hear Katsuki’s explosions and yells.

“ YOU FUCKING SNITCH!” He yelled while blasting himself down the stairs and toward the kitchen, Dad came out of his offfice and watched everything unfold.

Katsuki chased me around the house for three whole minutes, making explosions and leaving scortch marks on the floor and furniture while I ran around the house laughing and trying not to get caught.

Mom eventually was able to grab us by the arm and gave us both a smack on the back of our heads while Dad did nothing but sit down at the table.

  “ You two are animals, how are you supposed to live in dorms together with other people if you can’t get along here at home?” Mom scolded.

“ I don’t know, maybe we just wont.” I muttered and Mom sighed in defeat.

  “ Let’s just eat in peace, please and Katsuki, thank you for coming down to eat instead of staying all hunched up in your room.” Mom said as I giggled, Dad was eyeing me knowing exactly what I did while Katsuki was still oblivious. “Especially when me nor your dad asked you.” Mom finished.

I looked across the table at Katsuki with a devilish smirk and Katsuki shot me a death glare. We spent the rest of dinner giving each other death stares until Dad and Mom caught on and we were sent to our rooms.

:(:A/n: These last few chapters have been more of
filler chapters, if you get what I mean
I'll try and post some more intresting stuff
Words: 1,364

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