+10+ Costumes +10+

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( Credit to artist, this is just a vague idea of what I want the costume to look like, if you dont's like it, that's fine. You can change it)

:(: Denki’s POV :):

Y/n has been with us for a few days, each and every day she reminds me more and more of Bakugo.

Whenever I tell her about it her only response is ‘Well I did grow up with him.’ and then she walks off or continues our conversation.

I learned several things about her and Bakugo’s realationship, he’s the one that got her to come to U.A and she’s the only reson that he hasn’t blew any of us up yet.

Bakugo let’s Y/n train with him with no complaints. It looks like they’ve trained together scince the beginning. They know each others fighting styles and they know how to get under the others skin.

I couldn’t help but feel a little jealous, I could tell Kirishima was too.

A cute new girl shows up out of nowhere and Bakugo gets her all to himself and she takes him from us. They stole each other from us.

     “ Kaminari?” Y/n was standing infront of my desk, “ Dude, have you been listening?” She asked as I stood from my desk.

“ Nope, sorry” I replied while rubbing the nape of my neck.

     “ Of course you weren’t” She scowled, her mood went from annoyed to jumpy and happy, “ I think my hero costume is here.” She jumped while dragging me out of the classroom.

“ When did you make your costume?” I asked.

      “ Not too long ago, Aizawa-sensei talked about it yesterday and said I should give it to the support course as soon as possible.” Y/n comfirmed as she continued to drag me to the work shop.

      “ Sorry, I should stop pulling you around.” She apologized then let go.

“Why’d you bring me?” Suddenly realizing that we were already inside the workshop.

      “ Mina left to the locker rooms and I didn’t wanna come alone, you were the only one left ‘cause you spaced out.” Y/n answered.

“ Hey~! Y/n, you’re here for your hero costume, right?” Hatsume popped out from the corner and was right infront of Y/n with her hands gripping her shoulders.

     “ Yep, do you have it ready?” Y/n squeaked. She seems uncomfortable.

“ Yeah, I do. Lemme go grab it.” Hatsume ran off to the other side of the room and grabbed a breifcase, the ones that usually carry our costumes. “ Here! I made it just like you asked me too, except the material, I chose the material closest to Bakugo’s and made sure it was flexible enough for you to move in.” Y/n opened the case as Hatsume explained everything.

I took a step closer to peek, Y/n gladly showed me.

“ Of course the shoes aren’t heals and the soles do retract into the end, you just gotta push the little button right here.” She continued while pointing to an almost invisible button. “ If you need more adjustments let me know, I’ll be glad to help.” Hatsume smiled brightly at her work while Y/n closed the case.

     “ Thank you Hatsume for getting this done so quickly.” Y/n bowed her head slightly.

Y/n may have grown up with Bakugo but she sure does have more manners, a lot more manners.

“ Just one more thing, I don’t have all of the right mesaurements so it might not fit too well, do you mind?” Hatsume was walking in circles around Y/n feeling all over her. I got uncomfortable fast.

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