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:(: 3rd POV :):

1:32 AM

“ I apologize for seperating you from your wife,” Hamada started while reclaiming his seat in the first interogation room.

“ It’s no problem,” He shrugged, “ Let’s get started.” The filtering mask covered his smile.

“ Ok, let’s start with your name and age.” Hamada rose a brow.

“ L/n D/n, 41.” A brief response left his mouth.

“ Alright, now why were you trying to break into U.A.” Hamada kept the questions brief, not wanting to deal with the couple any longer. It was enough that he actually hadn’t seen his daughter in ages but the two were being difficult in strange ways.

“ Easy, I was trying to see my daughter.” Again, D/n shrugged.

“ Then why did you try to kidnap her?” He sighed.

“ Because it was M/n’s idea, she had the grand delusion to kidnap our daughter and train her at home, in her third year then we’d send her back and she could graduate at U.A. After that then that was all up to her. M/n believes that we could train her better at home than the school could.” D/n rolled his head around then back up again.

“ Really, what makes you say that?” Hamada was careful not to reveal what his wife had said about him and their plan.

D/n went on to explain why M/n thought she could do better and why he had went along with it; for the love of his daughter, and that he was just there to support his wife and help her in any and all ways that he could. It was the same story with roles reversed, the exact same almost.

“ Okay, I apperticate that you decided to talk willingly, I’ll-”

“ Hold on, was there an offer if I didn’t talk?” D/n sat up in his chair, the laxed man was replaced with one trying to find a sence of urgency.

“ Yes but it’s too late for that, you already spoke.” Hamada shrugged and tugged on the door.

“ Oh don’t be like that Old Man, tell me what it was.” D/n urged him with his hands as he couldn’t with facial expressions.

“ I’m only a few years younger than you so you’re the old man, but if you’d like to know. I was willing to take you and your wife to see your daughter, in the hospital.” Hamada slightly closed the door while pointing at D/n.

“ You can’t stop me from seeing her, she’s my daughter and I have the right to see her.” D/n argued and stood from his seat, the cuffs pulling against the table and his wrists. Hamada sighed and guestered for him to sit back down. Although D/n had a point, he didn’t want to admit that.

“ Your wife took the deal so I can’t argue with you, I’ll be back in a bit.” Hamada reopened the door and closed it behind him, taking a deep breath after stepping outside.

All that was left was to get permission for the ‘stupid field trip’ he promised and figure out who was lying.

1:56 AM

Katsuki had left to his dorm room earlier that morning. Although he hated the feeling of reget left in his stomatch, he needed to rest. Y/n would still be there in the morning and he knew Kaminari would take care of her.

As for Kaminari, he moved Y/n over in the bed so he could hold her and lay down too. As long as there was some kind of contact, never to be lost, he didn’t care.

Holding her was the best he could think of, he could stay close to her and make sure no one would take her from him again. It was what Kaminari had wanted any way, he had failed to do so at the dance, before he could, the lights went out and Katsuki had come looking for his sister while Kirishima had left outside with out him.

Now he had the peace to do so, even if Y/n couldn’t hold him back, he was okay with that because she was still in his arms.

Kaminari pulled her close, Recovery Girl had changed Y/n out of her dress and was put into a hospital shirt and pants. Although he hated the smell of the hospital, old people and cough syrup thats supposed to tase like cherry but doesn’t, he nudged his head into the crook of her neck and took a breath.

The intoxicating smell of her shampoo mixed with ‘cherry’ cough syrup was strange, but it was still Y/n.

‘ Why was I thinking I could do it? That I could actually do permenant harm to someone, especially when that someone was related to Y/n. Why did I think those things, I could have gotten into a hell of a lot of trouble if I went through with my idiotic thoughts.’ Kaminari scolded himself, to him, Y/n’s parents were right. Kaminari was an idiot, he was stupid and immature.

Kaminari was useless, the best thing he could do was give others something to laugh at and charge their phones. That was the best he could do.

That was all he could do.

Kaminari pulled himself against Y/n’s body, she was left unmoving, still frozen and cold.

‘ Why did I think I could actually kill a person, let alone two people, I really can’t do anything right.’ Nothing was going right for him now that he thought about it. He didn’t get to do all of the things at the dance that he wanted to, dance with Y/n a little longer, have a proper confession, maybe even a kiss, get to see her smile when Kaminari told her a joke, most of the night he had tried not to embaress himself and

‘ I couldn’t even keep an eye on Y/n. Not now and not when she was kidnapped the first time. Not that one time at the mall, with Jiro and the others, I lost her and couldn’t find her for hours. Not even when I look away for a few seconds.’ A tear slipped down his cheek and landed on Y/n’s neck.

‘ I can’t keep her safe from harm, I can’t keep Y/n away from the bad people, I can’t even keep up with her. She’s too far out of reach and I can’t keep up, she just keeps moving and I’m stuck behind her. I can’t do anything right, I’m useless, even when I tried to go through with everything I couldn’t, I couldn’t go through with my confession, I could hardly get it out, I couldn’t .’ Kaminari pulled on Y/n’s waist as a silent sob escped his lips. Kaminari shook as more droplets of salty liquid ran down his face and dripped onto Y/n’s shoulder and neck.

:(:A/n Ok ok, I get it
this chapter sucks, I've been occupied lately
It's fine though because it's over, I can finally
get to write for you guys. I hope that
my evil plan, which may or may not
becoming into the light
;) ;), will work cause I've
workied hard on it.
<3 <3 I love you guys so much, thank you for
being so patient with me, commeting, voting,
and reading, we've made it to around 4k reads on this
so thank you all so much <3 <3

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