+11+ Sparing +11+

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:(: Y/n’s POV :):

Training is the same as yesterday and the day before that, work on your super moves and spar.

I mean, it wasn’t too bad and I didn’t mind but Katsuki only wanted to spar with me.

     “ Hey, I’m going to tell everyone you’re gay for Redhead if you don’t spar with him.” I threated Katsuki in a low voice.

That’s the other thing, me and Katsuki weren’t allowed in one anothers dorms so we text and call each other.

We talked about him and Kirishima for a while and he let it slip over a phone call. He’s gay for Kirishima.

It was no suprise, I saw it from a mile away.

I just hope Redhead feels the same way, if he didn’t the punishment would be worse than getting the shit beat outta you.

“ Fine, whatever, Oi, Shitty-hair, wanna spar?” He shouted.

Kirishima’s face lit up and he nodded his head.

“ Yeah, hey Y/n.” He greeted as he ran over to us.

     “ Hey Redhead.” I greeted back. “ I’mma go and let you two do your thing.” I dissmissed myself while pointing finger guns at Katsuki and winking as he scoffed at me.

I wandered to an empty spot in the gym to think of a super move, honestly, I couldn’t think of anything and I’m sure there are plenty of things I could do.

“ Hi, Y/n” Kaminari’s voice rang.

     “ What’s up?” I said not batting an eye at him and trying to focus.

“ I know it’s been a few days but we still haven’t sparred like you promised.”

     “ I said that?” I looked back at him as he nodded and said ‘yep’. “ I don’t remember that but it’s fine, cause we can spar now if you want.” I suggested.

“ Sure, I wanna try out my new move.” Kaminari exclaimed.

     “Um, I’m trained to handle explosions, not electricity or lighting or whatever.” I reminded.

“ I know but you gotta improve, right? You’re great already but you can still get better.” Kaminari shouted while putting distance between us.

What does he know?

     “ Yeah, whatever.” I mummbled as both of us got into a fighting stance, “ Just don’t use your new move as your first attack.” I hollard to him and he nodded in response.

Kaminari may not have used his new move as his first but he still landed the first attack.

He shot yellow electricity right at me as a dodged and shot a few small shards of earth at him.

I’ve been focusing on the other parts of earth like lava, metal, minerals, sometimes mud and dirt, and that’s about it.

I can’t always have earth and I can’t control cement unless I raise the earth underneith it, the little stones and pepples are all I really have and I have a few earrings for metal, I needed to learn how to do something new.

I snapped out of my thoughts to see Kamineri was aiming a finger gun at me, more blasts of electricity shot and kinda followed me this time.

“ Are you wearing any metal, Y/n'?” Kaminari yelled.

That’s it, the earrings.

     “ Eh, no.” I lied while formulating a plan in my head.

Send the earrings as liquid metal at Kaminari the next time he uses his electricity, it should attract it and if I move the liqued metal closer to him, it should shock him. Easy as that.

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