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:(: Y/n’s POV :):

The three of us rode the elevator down to the common room.

It was a bit hard because of our dresses, I tried not to step on Mina’s dress and Jiro tried not to step on mine while Mina stood there, boucing with excitment.

  “ I’m so excited, it's our first prom!” She squealed as the elevator doors opened.

“ Mina, stop jumping, you could have made to elevator stop working.” Jiro warned her as the two of them made their way out.

I stayed, a bit nervous to see eveyone, or for everyone to see me.

I’ve never done anything like this, there’s been mixers in middle school but those were different, there’s been gatherings for Mom and Dad’s work, I did dress nice for those but I wouldn’t be seeing anyone I knew and it wasn't as fancy as a flowy prom dress.

I looked down at myself, this was supposed to be a fun time, so I should enjoy it.

I left the elevator and quickly followed after the two girls ahead of me.

  " Hey, sorry we're late." Mina shyly cheered while stepping ver to Sero.

" No problem, I'm glad you're ok." Sero dissmissed it peaking mostly to Mina than all three of us.

I glanced over at Kaminari, he was observing me with his mouth slightly agape. “ You look beautiful, Y/n.” Kaminari blurted, my eyes widened slightly.

“ Thank you, you look very handsome too Kaminari.” I smiled, the little jitters left through my words after he complimented me.

Kaminari nodded shyly as a way to accept my praise. I tugged on his sleeve. “ Come on, everyone else is leaving.” I laughed.

I caught up with Kirishima and Katsuki. “ Hi Katsuki, Redhead.” I smiled again as Kaminari wrapped his arm around mine. “ You two look great, I like the braclets.” I teased, Katsuki grunted while Kirishima thanked me again for making them the items that wrapped their wrists.

I looked up at the moon that highlighted the shiny stones, a perfect half moon.

When we made it to the gym, which was where the prom would be held, Everyone was already there, the other first year classes and a couple other students from second and third years. to help out.

I stared at Kaminari, some of his sunflower hair was tied back and his eyes shined brightly with all of the lights flashing around us. A smile slowly adorned his face while he slowly reached for my hand.

“ Let’s go dance.” He quickly pulled me over to the dance floor while his fingers intertwined with mine, the smile that graced his face grew wider at the thought while a small one planted itself onto mine.

:(: Denki’s POV :):

I couldn’t think of anything to say, the two of us stood at the entrance while everyone moved around us.

I pulled Y/n to the first thing my eyes landed on, the dance floor.

  “ Let’s go dance.” I held her hand in mine and fireworks exploded in my stomatch. It felt so right, Y/n’s hand in mine fit perfectly, it was soft and delicate, but also textured due to her dealing with plenty of earth.

Once we made it, Y/n stood there awkardly, I simply laughed and pulled her closer to me.

“ You just gotta go with it Y/n,” I held her as I swayed and she swayed with me.

“ That’s kinda hard to do Kaminari…” She trailed off, her was hand still in mine so I decided to twirl her around. Y/n seemed startled at first but then laughed it off while she finally let loose. I could see her tense shoulders fall into a natrual state while she continued to dance with me.

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