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:(: 3rd POV :):

The lightning split into three, one aimed for the studs in the pale girls head and the other two aimed for the couples hands, the rings that adorned their rig fingers in specific.

Screams and shouts were heard from the couple while the teen collapse to the ground.

Kaminari ran for her before her parents recovered.

  “ What the hell are you doing you brat?!” Y/n’s mother screamed.

Kaminari scooped his love into his arms and ran to drop her off with Katsuki.

“ You need to snap the hell out of this and watch her for me, I don’t care about what she said, you shouldn’t either because we both know she would never say those things.” Kaminari laid her infront of him.

Katsuki glanced at his sister. She lay there, her e/c hidden from sight by her eyelids, the light eyeshadow still apparent. The coloring stood out against her now pale skin, her lips were a light purple as if she were decomposing.

Kaminari was satisfied with the glance Katsuki stole at Y/n. He nodded and left the sibilings.

Katsuki stared at her in disbelief. Why did she look like this? The ghostly skin and paling hair. He reached a hand to her face and ran his knuckles over her cheek bone. Katsuki’s arm snapped back at the realization that she was ice cold. Her skin was burmal due to the frosting mist her father had released.

Despite the friged temperature of his sisters skin, he pulled her closer to him and pulled her into an embrace. He wrapped his arms around her torso and secured her head in the crook of his neck with his hand. Warm salty liquid trailed down his face as his eyes widened while the epiphany of his sister in his arms made his heart burst.

Kaminari met back with the parents in the same place they were in before. The shock had them on their knees while the husband attened to his wife. He glared at them, Kaminari’s eyes became bloodshot as all he could see now was red. The figures infront of him arose from their crouching position as they saw he was watching them.

“ That was a dirty trick boy, where have you put our daughter?” The man spoke, malice rather than a chilling tone was prestent in his voice. The mist dripping from his mouth as he took heaving breaths.

“ You have some nerve to call her your daughter. She isn’t yours, you didn’t raise her, you were never there for her, and you left her.” He spat while the red, that was only on the couple, spread, the background dipped with blood. He clenched his fists to the point where they grew white.

“ You have no right to speak to me like that you arrogant boy!” Her mother spat, “ I gave birth to her, so she’s rightfully mine, I can do whatever I want with my child!”

Although Y/n’s mother had a point, a valid point, Kaminari’s shoulders shook while he stared down.

“ No you don’t, no mother should treat their child that way. Abondond them and then suddenly come back after ten years! Do you know how much pain and confusion you put her through?” Kaminari’s vision began to blur, the pent up anger sent sparks of electricity flying around him.

“ Kaminari,” A voice droned behind him as the crimson red faded, “ I need you to do something for me.” Aizawa’s voice warmed his nerves before they calmed themselves down.

“ What?” His voice broke out in a whisper.

“ I need you to do something for me.” He repeated, Kaminari nodded, “ I need you to hold out on your own, theres something me and the other teachers need to deal with, until then, I need you to focus on these two, the Pros should be coming soon.”

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