+6+ Meeting +6+

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:(: Y/n’s POV :):

My phone has recently gotten three new numbers, I don’t need anymore than that.

Aizawa gave me the schools number so I could talk to Nezu about attending U.A, we talked for a bit until we comfirmed a good time for me to come in and meet in person and train with the other hero course students.

I also talked to Katsuki about the other class and all he told me was that they’re a bunch of bastards and that he hates them.

Today was the day that I could meet Nezu and the rest of the U.A staff, Katsuki’s been training a lot harder since he heard about it all , he’s been training me too. I told him more than once that I didn’t need it but, you know, he wouldn’t listen.

Katsuki was taking me to U.A with him, Mom and Dad were both aware of this and agreed to it all, they mainly let me and Katsuki handle everything until they were needed, which wasn’t too often.

  “ Oi, Y/n, we’re leaving.” Katsuki burst into my room by kicking the door open.

“ Ok, jeez, no need to break my door down.” I replied while pulling a hoodie over my head. “ How long is the walk?” I asked only to get no response, Katsuki wasn’t there anymore. I ran to the window to see he was already out the door and about to leave me.

I sprinted after him and when I caught up, I gave him a slap on the head.

  “ Dude, you left me.” I acussed him.

“ Well, it’s not my damn fault you’re slow as hell.” He growled as he shoved me off the sidewalk.

We walked in silence until I got bored.

  “ What are you classmates like? You haven’t told me anything but the stupid, crude nicknames you gave them.” Katsuki didn’t answer, he sped up and continued walking. “ Asshole.” I mummbled.

“ What?” Katsuki slowly turned around with an evil, scary grin plastered on his face, sparks flying from his palms.

  “ Nothing.” I said teasingly

I ran ahead of him, he started running after me, using his explosions to propel him further.

Katsuki eventually caught up with me, when I stopped and asked him if I was running in the right direction, he grunted and nodded in response, only after tripping me by kicking the back of my knee.

  “ Ah!” I shouted, he didn’t bother to turn around and kept walking.

By the time we got there, Katsuki said we had about five minutes until the bell rang.

  “ I’m not sure where I’m supposed to go.” I whispered to him as we got stares from several of the students.

“ Just follow me, idiot.” He grumbled back, I nodded and did as I was told.

Katsuki ended up taking me to a huge door with 1-A written on it.

  “ This is your homeroom?” I asked, pointing to the door.

“ Dumb-ass.” He growled while he slid the door open, “ Stay put.” Katsuki added while walking into the door.

I heard some muttering and then some footsteps then felt something touch my leg, I shuttered and looked down. It was some really ugly purple grapevine.

  “ Aren’t you a bit young to be here?” I asked while smacking the things hand away.

“ I’m sithteen!” It shouted and then started to drool. “ I’m Minoru Mineta and who might you be, sethy?” He introduced himself and tried to come closer, I put my foot up to his face to keep him away.

Fighting For You DenkixF.readerΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα