Emma's Pov (37)

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We finally made it!

After a tedious flight from LA international airport to Hawaii, a freakin five hours journey, I'm so jet-lagged.

I'm grateful for Einstein's presence. I sincerely wouldn't have made it here without him.

We're at the entrance of the continental hotel where the rest are lodged. I let out a great sigh of relief knowing that the days of my leg cramps are finally over. I thought we'd never make it, and things have become so awkward between us after the attempted kiss.

I open the door to set foot on the ground when strong arms hoist me up, up in the air, twirling me around. I couldn't yell in my confused state but when he began to kiss me all over my face, I caught a wisp of his familiar perfume, and my belly filled with butterflies.

Eric drops me on the floor finally, but does not let me go, he knows I'll still be ragged up by the effect.

"I've missed you Em," he says, cupping my face and planting wet kisses on them, unabashed.

"I've missed you more" I cry with a wide smile, I struggle to withhold the tears. I don't know why I suddenly feel so emotional. Truth is, at some point on our way to Hawaii my feelings for him started fluttering, most of my thoughts were no longer about Eric... But his brother.

My eyes drift in search of Einstein and I see him with his friend, the athletic one, not sure what his name is again.

"Did you hear what I said?" Eric's voice draws me from my thoughts.

"What?... I'm sorry"

"How were you able to convince my brother to bring you here? I'm sure he's very sorry and repentant of his sins but to accompany you here?" He points at Einstein.

"Why not?"

"He's not always that generous. I'm surprised."

"Yeah me too"

"I was shocked when I heard he was driving you guys to LA, I didn't think he'd come all the way. Anyways, how was the drive?"

"Exhausting," I say.

"Yeah, I'm happy you're here and even more beautiful" he flatters rubbing the scar on my forehead.

"Emma" someone calls from behind Eric.


She walks up to me and engulfs me in a tight hug. I feel a bit of resentment towards her. After learning she had history with the twins I started to question her true personality.

"Are you crying?"

"No_" she denies but I can see tears forming in them.

"Oh " I give a tight smile not buying her fake emotions.

"I've just missed you so much, I had to share a room with one of those silly girls because I had no friend here. I was praying for this excursion to be over so I can come see you. How are you?" She rants uncontrollably.

I nod. I didn't know she missed me. I thought she didn't want to be friends anymore and ignored my calls.

"Why didn't you call me back then? Or return my series of texts?"

"I... Everything was a mess once we got here. Some girls went missing from their rooms after lights out."

"Lights out?..." I ask in horror.

"Apparently the teachers were instructed to include lights out into our rules. And for a while, our phones were seized from us as punishment. I got mine back yesterday and that's when I saw your texts. Eric assured me you will be here soon so I decided it's better to apologize face to face. I'm sorry Em," she bounces up in impatience.

"And here I was hating you for no reason, I get it, Cher, I get it now."

"I would too" she laughs, locking our hands, she drags me up the steps into the hotel but I didn't want to leave without speaking with Einstein. I'm not sure how this goes for him then. I excuse myself for a bit.

I walk over to where he's standing with his friend.

"Hey," I started pulling at him. His friend glares at me, meaning he doesn't like me much, but it's not the first time I'm not liked by some player dude.

"Hi... Are you settling in already?" Einstein asks in concern.

"Yes... Eric and Cheryl will show me to my room_ I wanted to thank you for driving me here" I say, but that's not what's on my mind.

His friend's presence wouldn't let me speak freely, I glared back at him, hoping he'll get that we need privacy, his presence isn't needed at this point. I grit my teeth when he doesn't take the hint.

"I'm happy to be of help, make sure you stay safe then" Einstein nods while taking his leave with his friend when I ask.

"Where are you gonna go?" he turns to me with open arms and shrugging shoulders.

"I'll stay for a few days than return, you know I'm on suspension, I'm not supposed to be here"

My insides churn in pity for him. I wish he'd stay so we can all go home together. I didn't want to agree with myself that his presence meant more to me but since it's become awkward between us, I should probably let him go.

I wave at him and trot back up the massive steps, Eric is at the entrance waiting for me.


My room is looking a bit eerie. Cheryl said I'm supposed to be paired with someone but this room looks like no one has been sleeping here.

I open the wardrobe and there's a purple bag by the corner. I'm sure it belongs to my roommate so I carefully unpack the little things I arrived with. My only wish being to lay under the covers. It's been a long time since I had a nice sleep.

A rustling noise penetrated through my sleep but I'm so weak that I don't wanna wake from my sleep. I think someone's in my room and he or she is being noisy. Don't they realize someone's sleeping?

The rustle stops for a while but continues, this time around it's the noise of audio played over a phone and a feminine voice snickering bits of laughter, that's when I sit up on my bed, angry!

Her pretty face freezes in shock. "Hey... I'm Kendal your roommate" she squishes.

"Hi Kendal Jenner, is that why you won't let me sleep? You've been bustling up and down here without regard for someone who's resting. Is this how we're gonna stay together?" I ask sternly.

Her lips quiver but she's not saying anything.

"You won't say a word now? Ha!" I laugh dryly. "I need a new room" I whisper to myself, making my way to the bathroom. I need cold water for my persistent headache.

My heart churns with love for Eric the next day when he takes me on a road trip to Hana. It's circling the beautiful valley isle of Maui far away from the island with lush forests, sparkling oceans, and brimming shopping centers and resorts. It's magnificent. We spend time shopping and having lunch at a resort.

"Do you like the food?" Eric asks with concern as we're served their indigenous menu.

"What's this called?" I ask, pointing to a dish.

"That's lomi lomi salmon, then this" he points to the next food "Is long rice, chicken, and kalua pig"

"How do you know all of this?"

"You can say I've had them before and I learn so fast"

I chuckle digging into my food. When I look up from savoring the wonderful taste I see Eric staring at me with a distant look in his eyes.


"I've missed you Em. I've missed your scent that drives me to hell and your smiles, gosh!" He grunts passionately.

I'm lost for words.

"Can I kiss you Em?" He says like his usual gentle self. I nod in agreement before he leans in and kisses my wet lips.


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