Cathy's training

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"The men have returned come on Cathy I'll introduce you to my strong handsome grandson maybe that way you'll be more eager to marry him" cho said pulling Cathy to where they'll encounter the men upon their arrival Cathy nothing something weird 'there seems to be less women than men in this village, I wonder why?' Cathy thought as the men came with lots of meet in their cart 'if luffy was here I'm sure he'll be excited to see this' she laughed walking over to granny cho who was talking to her son Ricks father.

"This is Cathy someone we meet when we went herb gathering she was covered in blood and wounds when we found her honestly it's a surprise she recovered in just two days" Sam said helping Rick with his load "she's gonna be Hibiki's wife soon!" Cho said happily 'stupid old hag I'm far too tired to say no' Cathy thought as she and Fifi walked over to a nearby stone "Cathy here wants to learn how to use a sword and she needs to build a boat/ship" Sam said as they walked over to Cathy.

"This small rat wants to learn how to use a sword she's too weak she'll die on the first day of training" Hibiki the first son said glaring at the tired Cathy "I don't know who your calling a rat but I hope it's not me you stupid monkey?" Cathy smiled trying not to sound rude "she has a sharp tongue especially to the son of the woman who saved her" he said he leaving "How rude, of all the guys I've encountered he's the rudest one of all even Zoro's better than him!" Cathy whined before falling to her knees in exhaustion "Cathy are you okay?!" Rick asked immediately running to her side.

"I'm fine it's just unusually hot on this island, all week I've been in the house recuperating so it's now I feel the scorching heat why is that?" Cathy asked drinking a cup of water "from sunrise to sunset the sun is always facing the island because of this it's not very easy to grow crops which is why this is a poor village only the nobles get to eat great meals while we hunt for animal meat" Rick said sadly "is it the nobles fault there isn't any young women in the village?" Cathy asked starting to understand the villagers circumstances.

"The kingdom princess is in love with my older brother because of jealousy she turned all the girls in the village to snow monkeys and with an island this hot it's impossible for them to survive here, so we chased them to the tallest and coldest mountain on the island" Rick said "I see that's pretty sad sounds like an ice curse or something nothing I can do" Cathy said watching as the rest of the village finished the meal preparations "seems like it's time to eat let's stop this depressing talk and join everyone else" Cathy said pulling him where the others where.

"How does the meal taste I help make it?" Cathy asked trying to form a bond with hibiki "no wonder it tastes like crap this year, for a woman your a terrible cook" Hibiki said quickly angering Cathy "what the hell does that mean?! I can cook!" She said attempting to throw the plate at him "Anyways Cathy said she needs help learning how to use a sword is it okay if you could teach her how to?" Sam asked both her husband and Son "like I said hell no!" Hibiki shouted before leaving the table.

"Sorry Cathy my Brother isn't a fan of woman so please brush his coldness off as a way of him not knowing how to express his emotions" Rick said as Cathy sat down.

Next day as Cathy was in the bath

"Hibiki I want you to teach Cathy how to use a sword" Sam said as she prepared breakfast "why she's so weak and I bet she won't be able to kill a rabbit" Hibiki said with his legs crossed "please, did you see the way she was injured when we met her she'll need the training" Sam pleaded causing her son to agree "fine I'll do it but only if pops agrees after all he was once part of the marines so he should be able to have the patience to help her" Hibiki said getting up to get Cathy out the bath "Get out if you want to start the training!" Hibiki said only to see her just entering the tub.

"What the hell were you doing all this time?!" Hibiki asked trying to avoid looking at her body "oh good morning Hibiki" Cathy said before realizing the situation. "I'm not gonna train with a pervert" Cathy said once she was done with breakfast "it's you who wants to learn how to use a sword now stop complaining!" Hibiki said causing the whole family to laugh "you guys look like a married couple already, all that's left is the wedding preparations" Cho said excitedly.

"I've changed my mind I don't wanna learn how to fight with a sword" Cathy said staring at the eggs disgustingly "What?!" Hibiki said ready to smack her before being stopped by his father 'Daichi' "it's a good thing you decided not to continue, I'm not trying to say your weak with the sword, it's just that you look like the type of person who would be seen with a whip around" Daichi said after he finished his analysis of Cathy.

"Correct my two main weapons are whips and spears I use fans when it's convenient for me" Cathy said placing her fried egg into Ricks plate "I'll teach you the three types of haki; first Busoshoku Haki where you can use it to coat your weapon when you fight, second Kenbunshoku Haki it'll help you in case of higher threats and I'll have to see if you have the ability to use Haoshoku Haki" Daichi said shocking Hibiki "it's not fair father you refused to teach me how to use any haki and now you want to train some girl!" Hibiki said jealously before running out the house.

To be continued

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