Chapter 1 Excuses

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Wei Ying was working on a new talisman.

And since there was no one else he could try it out on, he applied it to himself. Luckily, Lan Zhan walked into the Jingshi just as he was trying to muster up the correct amount of enthusiasm to kiss the teapot.

"What are you doing?" Lan Zhan asked him, quite seriously.

He sat down next to his thankfully still awake husband and planted him in his lap.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're here." Wei Ying said happily, and with no warning whatsoever, began kissing his mouth without further thoughts.

Roughly a minute later, he sat back with a satisfied smile on his face and a dreamy look in those brilliant starlight eyes of his.

"So what did you think?" He whispered, trying to collect his thoughts.

Thinking was the last thing on his mind, Lan Zhan decided, before going in for another one.

This time, the meeting of their lips was harder, hungrier and infinitely more passionate. Wei Ying could feel his lips getting softer, and maybe he had made a mistake in the number of strokes he had added, but Lan Zhan wasn't complaining and in fact, seemed to be enjoying this...more?

Delight and need grew in equal portions as Wei Ying tried to not wriggle, but he could sense other parts of his husband and his own discomfort was growing...and pretty soon, neither cared nor remembered why exactly Wei Ying had initiated this sequence of events.

Afterwards, Lan Zhan did a double take looking at him.

They had moved to their bed and were lying languidly in each other's arms, boneless and expended of energy.

"What has Wei Ying done to his lips?" He asked curiously, his thumb gently caressing the plump cushions which were somehow...more...fuller.

"Why?" Wei Ying was struggling to leave that blissful place in his head which was devoid of thoughts and everything relating to them.

Lan Zhan reached across to the drawers next to their bed and pulled out a mirror. He held it in front of Wei Ying's face.

Wei Ying tried not to gasp.

His lips looked swollen, definitely more than normal as if stung by a bee.

"Er...stho thaths not sthupposed to happen." Oh dear Gods...he had a lisp...

And Lan Zhan still wanted to kiss him...

Wei Ying was struggling to form coherent thoughts, simultaneously trying to stop a too eager husband and wanting to scramble off the bed to try and see where he had gone wrong in the assembling of relevant strokes on the talisman he'd used.

"Lan Zhan, really...sthop!" He held a hand over Lan Zhan's mouth to discourage him, but Lan Zhan began kissing his fingers and it was having another effect on a recently used organ.

"But Wei Ying is too beautiful!" The Jade pouted.

"Oh, come on!" Wei Ying threw his hands up in the air, in disbelief and Lan Zhan seized his chance.

Planting those soft lips on these heavenly cushions...Oh hells no, were they actually getting bigger?...and somehow Lan Zhan couldn't get enough of him.

Wei Ying was torn between laughing and enjoying this kiss, while kind of sort of panicking at what had gone wrong and how long it was going to take before it wore off...if ever...

"Pleasth..." Wei Ying wriggled away and out of his arms with a super human effort, running to their little table.

Lan Zhan came up behind him, wrapping his arms around Wei Ying’s waist and resting his chin on his shoulder.

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