Chapter 16 Corpse

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Hui Gai turned to Wei Ying again.

"He was unresponsive, eyes open and it looked like he was wide awake but no amount of trying to rouse him was working. To be honest, it looked like he was under the control of somebody else, and when I had that thought, I turned around and something vanished. That's when you called me back."

"Well, unfortunately and rather sadly, I think he was on this path from the beginning, by whatever triggered this state. But now, I think this is a job for me." Wei Ying flexed his fingers and cracked his knuckles.

"Will Wei Ying be alright?" Lan Zhan asked him.

"Yes...I actually think the excitement of what we're facing is keeping the sleep at bay...for now." Wei Ying smiled brightly at his husband. "But we need to find out what happened. That brothel is the key."

"Mn." Lan Zhan had full confidence in Wei Ying's abilities and he didn't mind stepping back to watch him at work.

To others, this skill might seem savage and uncouth, to raise the dead and use them, but Lan Zhan remembered when this very same gift had won them the Sunshot Campaign. Wei Ying’s powers were not to be scoffed at. Plus he was always respectful towards the beings he asked for help from.

Wei Ying sat cross-legged next to the dead man. Closing his eyes, he held the hand of the corpse and began the summoning.

At first, the corpse was surprised at being able to talk normally, until he realised that it was just a projection of his thoughts, and Wei Ying was able to understand him, and vice versa.

"I have to explain to you, Sir." Wei Ying said softly, through their mental connection. "You have passed away, and are no longer able to connect with your earthly body."

Reanimated corpses often had trouble with the truth of their own deaths. It would take them a long time to come to terms with this horrible truth that they had indeed moved onto another realm. But this one was 'fresh' and hopefully would grasp the situation faster, Wei Ying wished.

The corpse looked at his own hands carefully, nodding to himself.

"So we were wondering if you could still help us with something." Wei Ying continued. "It's still a mystery about your death and we are no closer to understanding who is behind it. We think if you are able to let us see into your last moments while this body was your temple...we are hoping it will shed some light as to what happened. If you agree, Sir."

The corpse appeared to be thinking about what Wei Ying was suggesting.

Then it nodded.

Wei Ying offered his other hand and the corpse put both of his hands in Wei Ying's.

Immediately, Wei Ying was transported into his memories. He found himself climbing stairs to reach a second floor.

There were many beautiful women standing at the entrance of countless rooms, their doors open in invitation to entertain their next guest.

Wei Ying watched this man walk past every single woman, until he came to a closed door. He watched this man reach out to the door knob and twist it, entering the room.

At first it looked like the many other rooms on this floor, the walls painted a very vivid red, with a large bed in the centre of the room, but pushed up against a wall. It had dark coloured sheets and coverlet, and there was a dresser with a mirror to one side, with a single chair neatly resting within the gap where a person's legs would be. Tiny little bottles and jars were placed neatly on the dresser, as if put there with the utmost of care. The room smelled of cheap perfume masking another scent, mixed with the staleness of a closed room.

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