Chapter 83 Baogui

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Hui Gai did not know.

But of course, Rumi would have a different name. If he was four years old when his mother had saved him from being this guy... then it was obvious that his parents would have given him a proper nane..and he wondered what it was.

If Li XiWang was right, and Hui Gai suspected she was, then there was a secret power to names...speaking of which, he still had to find one for his "weapon". The stupid stick gave out the odd pulse of energy now and again but for the most part, it remained inactive.

Hui Gai was terribly disappointed in it. He wasn't sure if he actually needed a spiritual weapon in the first place, but these Celestials were confounding in their annoying ways. Wouldn't it be just easier if Baoshan Sanren had just told him how to activate it? But nooooo....he had to "figure it out by himself" for some insane reason.

While the stupidly huge Demon spouted out his monologue, Hui Gai tried out some names in the hopes of sparking the stick into life.

Wuqi he tried, wondering if calling it a weapon would work. Although it seemed highly ambitious to call something barely longer than the centre of his palm that.


Wuyong was a truer name...he snickered. Sure the stick might not like being called useless...but at least it was accurate.

Still nothing.

How about Yuchun Gunzi? Stupid stick?

There was a fluttering of magic but nothing significant.

And then Hui Gai had an epiphany: what if he was overcomplicating this whole procedure? What if it was so much simpler than that?

But it was too late for him to try out his theory, because the big Demon had finished talking.

Zago...was there anything important in what he said? Hui Gai asked her urgently.

She snorted.

As if. Most of that was conceited rubbish. But he said Rumi's real name was Baogui.


Rumi's mother and father had named him Precious.

Hui Gai wasn't sure he could cry other than the odd tear but now he could feel his heart breaking for the lost little boy. Rumi was Precious.

It was a good name.

And he had been loved, before this ape of a Demon had interfered with his life.

Hui Gai vowed that he would end this Demon, one way or another, just for that alone.

"Now you're going to come with me, Baogui." The big Demon snarled, saying Rumi's name in a twisted fashion, as if sneering at the name.

"Where?" Hui Gai asked. He wondered if Baoshan Sanren could hear him.

For himself, he was confident that he could take on this upstart...but if this fat Demon was the one that the Celestial Warriors were after, then they should know where he was going to be.

"Zinked. We're going back to your home." The Demon let out a horrendous laugh.


The three of them, Wen Ning, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan teleported outside the Hanshi.

The first thing they heard was expletives before Wei Ying was engulfed in a hug. He felt tears running down his neck as Jiang Cheng cried in his arms. Then he was held at arm's length while furious purple eyes checked him out, making sure he was fine.

"DON'T YOU EVER, EVER DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT AGAIN!" Jiang Cheng yelled at him, before hugging him close again.

Wei Ying hugged him back, blinking back tears.

He had missed this brother too much.

"Didi! A-Xian!" XiChen was too dignified and conscious of the now four thousand rules to shout, but it was close.

Both of them were hugged.

Once they had calmed down somewhat, explanations were given for everything that had happened until now.

Everything from the meeting with the Sleeping Sickness Demon, his demands and the knowledge that he was working for someone else plus the fact that Hui Gai was with him now, pretending to be Rumi.

Wei Ying’s head was pounding from all the extra information. And before he could say anything, there were shouts and then all three ducklings had thrown themselves into his arms. The joyous crying was real.

Wei Ying kissed the top of all their heads, hugging each child properly and spending at least a few minutes talking to them. He became serious when they told him about their trip to the Dragon's Graveyard.

However he did not have to say anything, just his disappointed look was enough to have them pledging never to do anything so dangerous again. Wei Ying didn’t want to shout at anyone today. His heart was too full...but three very important people were missing and he felt their absence keenly.

"Where are the children?" He asked when there was a gap in the conversation.

They were all sitting in the courtyard of the Hanshi, on the frozen ground, yet no one wanted to move. This was a different type of cocoon, still filled with love, accompanied by freedom.

When Wei Ying asked that question, both Jiang Cheng and XiChen looked at each other guiltily.

"Xiongzhang?" Lan Zhan asked, not wanting to be stern or disrespectful, but Wei Ying had asked an important question.

"Hui Gai has taken them somewhere...we're sorry but all we know is they're safe." XiChen admitted. He was glad Jiang Cheng was holding his hand, because the way his baby brother frowned...

But Wei Ying jumped up excitedly.

"Did you say Hui Gai has kept them somewhere safe?" He cried.

"Um...yes? Is there something wrong with your ears?" Jiang Cheng scowled, ignoring the secondary glare thrown his way.

"No, don't understand! I know exactly where they are!" And with that, Wei Ying grabbed Lan Zhan’s hand and they both vanished.



Dear Beautiful Readers,

Woohoo! I'm on a roll...already three updates...

Rushing on to work now, have a lovely day and think of something that makes you happy!


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