Chapter 129 Extra Extra

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Lan Zhan looked mournfully at Wei Ying, who was working hard trying to pry Uncle Qiren's arms from his husband's body, but Uncle Qiren was determined.

And completely plastered.

Baoshan Sanren was watching her grandson from the safety of Suanni's company, barely stifling her laughter at the antics of the older Lan, who as it turned out, was a cuddler when he was drunk.

Lan Zhan called out for his brother, but XiChen had his arms full with two animals already; the little piggy was hell bent on keeping XiChen to himself and Snizzy wasn't having any of it.

And there was still Jiang Cheng who looked like he was trying to take off.

"Maybe he'll sleep it off?" Wei Ying suggested. "What if we take him to his quarters and he sees his bed...? It used to work for the young ones every time they had too much to drink."

"Mn." Lan Zhan was desperate.

He picked up Uncle Qiren bridal style, and had he been sober, Lan Zhan would have gotten the telling off of his life.

In a way, Wei Ying was so relieved that Uncle Qiren would not remember any of it later. As for the rest of Cloud Recesses, that was another matter entirely.

He had not seen this many people be so traumatised all in one go, and just as the result of a single person. But, what was slightly worrying was that more than a few elders were whispering about punishment and correct discipline, and how utterly shameless such behaviour was...this, Wei Ying had a problem with.

If he let them have their way, come tomorrow, Uncle Qiren would be punished for a crime that he was not guilty of, due to no fault of his own and that he had no recollection of.

This was totally not right in his eyes, and Wei Ying was definitely going to do something about it.

But first, they had a clingy koala to take care of.

Wei Ying had a word with the few disciples who hadn't thrown up due to nerves and stress at being hugged by their senior, and asked them to pass on a few messages. Then he followed an eager-to-get-rid-of-his-burden Lan Zhan striding ahead as if he was carrying a sack of potatoes.

They reached Uncle Qiren's home in record time, and Wei Ying discreetly disposed of any evidence that might implicate his grandmother by drinking all of the tea that he saw. Alright, it tasted funny but that was to be expected given its ingredients.

He was right in assuming that Uncle Qiren would let go of his favourite nephew when he saw his bed. He climbed under the covers and made Lan Zhan give him head pats until he fell asleep.

Lan Zhan looked as if he never wanted to repeat this experience in this lifetime again.

Wei Ying didn't blame him; but this wedding day would probably be talked about forever.

When they were absolutely sure that Uncle Qiren was fast asleep and would not be terrorising any innocent victims through over-the-top tactile behaviour, they left.

"We'll come back to check on him later. Lan Zhan...?" Wei Ying waited for him to look at him.


"Do you trust me?"


Lan Zhan got a kiss on his cheek for the promptness of his answer. But he wanted it elsewhere...

"Then let's go. There isn't time to explain everything before we get there but you'll see why in a moment."

Lan Zhan nodded and held his hand as they walked quickly back to the Great Hall, passing an enthusiastic group of three baby dragons and their nanny and his new wife.

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