Chapter 33 Complete

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Wei Ying woke up.

There was something different happening.

He couldn't tell how much time had passed from the moment he had collapsed until now...but there was a change in the air.

He felt restless...something, an energy wanting to burst out of his skin.

Lan Zhan was right there, and Wei Ying felt an explosion of love towards him. The scent of sandalwood and that specialness which was Lan Zhan consumed him.

He rolled over onto Lan Zhan's body, needing to make sure he was alright...but it wasn't just that.

Wei Ying felt alive...

Lan Zhan was sleeping peacefully and Wei Ying wanted him to continue doing that...but this primal urge was coursing through his veins, simmering under the surface of his skin, and Wei Ying couldn't help himself.

Spurred on by a need so strong, it washed over him like a waterfall of desire.

This perfect man was right here, and wholly his.

Wei Ying looked down on his beautiful face, his pale skin glowing like the finest, polished jade, smooth and cool, yet fiery underneath. His brows, straight and determined, proud forehead upon which Wei Ying laid his first kiss. Lungs full of sandalwood, the fragrance a fuel for him to continue this pursuit.

Next his lips found those elegant eyes, closed for now but nonetheless beautifully shaped. First the left one and the right. He let his lips whisper a touch, loving and affectionate. Skating over the ridge of his pretty nose, skimming across to kiss the soft expanse of his cheeks, generous and delicate as fine porcelain.

And then his gorgeous lips, curved as a bow. The taste as immaculate and refined as the best wine, a melody of love playing in his heart.

Those golden eyes snapped open, a fire brewing deep within. Gold dust speckling the swirls as just as suddenly, Lan Zhan flipped them over.

"I need you."

Like the detonation of an explosion, the fire of their mutual desire burst into flames. Lips met in scorching kisses igniting a passion that was barely kept dormant on any given day...but here, they were free to love. Their souls were flying together as one.

As their kiss deepened, their cores responded and a white light filled their senses. Time ceased to matter as their bodies joined, their minds already as one.

Love in all its beautiful facets covered them in a haze of need and wanting, their union a complete circle of feeling, no beginning and certainly no end. This light obliterated any thoughts as their passion rose, a unity of hearts, minds and bodies, with only love remaining as powerful as it was.

Electrifying and urgent it clawed through their coming together, lips meeting again and again forever in this bliss. Like shooting stars made only to love, their souls joined in a blinding, brilliant expanse where nothing else existed.

I have never felt like this, my love...


There was a silent agreement as finally they stilled, the embers of their desire quiet and stilled for now.

Lan Zhan curled around Wei Ying's body, feeling as if Wei Ying had done the same, their mouths meeting in one final kiss, brief but sweeter than nectar.


XiChen hoped that the tenacity displayed by Baoshan Sanren was limited to her, because her energy was unrelenting and infinite it seemed.

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