Chapter 117 Expenditure

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The meeting didn't last for much longer after the arrival of Wei Ying, something for which Lan Zhan was incredibly grateful for.

Their kisses were golden and soft and melting like the snows of winters past. Wei Ying would have forgotten everything as he sat up, to fully be able to explore his husband's mouth and the delights that those lips gave...but a single thought had him parting from Lan Zhan.

There was a whine of protest and Wei Ying was surprised that it hadn't come from him.

"There was at least ten kisses there..." He insisted, standing up.

Wei Ying held out his hand for Lan Zhan to take, helping him stand up.

"Those were from me to Wei Ying. They don't count at all." The pouting was replaced by the most smuggest smile Wei Ying had ever seen on his in his face.

"No way!" Wei Ying cried, " poor lips...and speaking of which..." He placed his fingers on Lan Zhan’s bottom lip. "This has gone back to normal, then?"

"Mn." Lan Zhan sounded disappointed.

"Anyway...I got to talking with Zhitiao and guess what? She's letting me...I mean, us, plan her wedding!! Isn't that fabulous?" Wei Ying looked so excited.

That fact alone had Lan Zhan agreeing, but otherwise he could not bring himself to care much.

Weddings were so so unless they were his own.

"What does Wei Ying want to buy?" Lan Zhan asked him, after packing everything away and taking his hand.

"You know...I have absolutely no idea!" Wei Ying giggled. "I never thought I'd get this far!"

Lan Zhan pulled him in for another sweet kiss, unable to believe how delightful he was.

One thing was for sure: wedding shopping with Wei Ying was going to be as chaotic and interesting as the wonderful man himself.


They went first to the fabric part of the marketplace in Caiyi Town.

"We need red silk chiffon, loads of it." Wei Ying insisted.

But it was easy to get distracted because this part of town was so colourful, it was a  sensory overload.

Blues, yellows, sharp indigo, vivid oranges and luscious greens decorated every stall and with child-like wonder, Wei Ying drifted like a bumblebee drunk on pollen, from one place to the next. Each vendor, when they might have been rude or hasty with him, soon changed their tune from the moment the white robes of the Lan Clan came into view, a silent but brilliant shadow of the flighty darkly dressed man, too excited by everything.

Lan Zhan decided to take control afterwards because letting Wei Ying do what he wanted seemed like a huge waste of time when they could be kissing instead.

Bolts of red silk chiffon was purchased along with the many hands needed to actually put it up, something which had not occurred to Wei Ying yet. They also visited a tailor and commissioned red robes of silk brocade to be further embellished with gold thread embroidery.

Wei Ying drew the design himself, thinking of the roots of the children who would marry...albeit one of them was an eight-hundred-year old.

"What about the banquet?" Wei Ying linked arms with Lan Zhan after they sorted out the decorations in the Great Hall. "Traditional food is suckling pig and shark fin soup, eight treasures soup, that sort of thing...but you Lans..." He sucked his teeth playfully.

"Us Lans..." Lan Zhan murmured, coiling an arm around his waist.

Wei Ying was like one of his beloved kites, high-flying and colourful, drawing the eyes of all who should look at him once.

And Lan Zhan was so in love with him.

Sometimes he felt overwhelmed at the depth of his feelings, wondering at how powerful they seemed. He was completely smitten and proud of it.

"Hmm...maybe we should just buy ingredients and get the wonderful cooks of Cloud Recesses to make the food?" Wei Ying suggested. "That way, all your elders will be happy that they can actually eat it."

"And not die." Lan Zhan added. "Though that might be an improvement."

Wei Ying gaped at him and then let out the most unholiest of laughs.

"My're so funny. No one believes me!" Wei Ying lamented, still laughing.

"Who's joking?" Lan Zhan said, meaning it.

As usual, after they picked out gifts and more paraphernalia that Wei Ying insisted upon for his precious son's wedding, and his Shimei...tacked on afterwards, it inevitably turned into a food fest of trying out different flavours as they walked back.

Wei Ying loved the pressing of foreign food against Lan Zhan’s virgin lips, seeing the surprise that burst into life in those golden eyes, and then him wanting Wei Ying to also experience that same pleasure. Wei Ying made sure not to overwhelm Lan Zhan’s taste buds with spicy food, realising how much trust Lan Zhan was affording him every time he reluctantly opened his mouth.

They finished with sweet tanghulu, deciding to walk off some of the rich foods they had consumed that afternoon.

As they neared the Ivory Pillars, the gates of Cloud Recesses, Wei Ying paused, looking in a certain direction.


"Um..oh, it's nothing...I just thought I saw familiar purple robes..." Wei Ying explained.

The flash of colour deep within the forest greens had come and gone so quickly that Wei Ying wondered if it wasn't his imagination.

"That was Sect Leader Jiang WanYin." Lan Zhan held his shoulders in the right direction. "And that is my brother, chasing him." Lan Zhan picked Wei Ying up and continued up the path, through the gates and on towards the Jingshi.

" love?"


"Aren't you going to see what they're doing? They were going pretty fast!"

Lan Zhan made a face that could curdle milk.

"No, thank you. And I believe Wei Ying has a debt that needs to be paid." Lan Zhan replied, as they neared the Jingshi.

Wei Ying smiled, internally praying for his lips.

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