Chapter 89 Challenged

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A ripple of energy burst forth from where Hui Gai was standing, him as the centre point of its origin.

"DIYU WANGZI!" He shouted out again as if staking his claim on this land and this place.

The ground shook, tremors erupting from underneath his feet, as Hui Gai grew even taller. The energy all around them crackled with a newfound purpose, almost as if it was empowering him for the fight that was to come.

That was inevitable.

Hui Gai closed his red eyes, connecting with this new strength, absorbing it into his core and adjusting his energy levels. Every time this happened, he felt nourishment from this world, cementing his place as its king.

The Universe had given him this honour and now it was his duty to keep it.

The fight that was imminent, would be neither fair nor faithful, because demons at their core revelled in mischief...and the ones that had gathered here now appeared to be on the other demon's side...however, as Hui Gai opened his eyes a split second later, he saw doubt in their faces.

That was good...doubt, he could work with.

"Just by shouting you think it means anything?" The fat Demon scoffed.

"Oh...well, if we're going to talk names, Heian Wangzi? Come on! I haven't heard anything so pretentious in my life and you picked that! By yourself...And in case you're wondering, Prince is significantly lower than King. Fatty." Hui Gai grinned back, for the moment comfortable where he was.

After all, stating facts was his speciality.

And he had a feeling that delaying the actual throwing of hands was definitely to his benefit...

Heian Wangzi bristled with arrogance.

"All it takes to be a king is to kill the old one."

"Old? Me?" Hui Gai threw back his head and laughed long and hard. "Out of the two of us," he gestured between them, "who's older?" He walked around the tiny circle of emptiness where they were standing, making eye contact with every single demon's who had the guts to look him in the eyes.

More than a few of them looked away or dropped their gaze almost immediately.

Encouraged by that, Hui Gai went on.

"You proclaim yourself a leader, yet you offer nothing new to these demons. Robbing and pillaging? Making nuisances of yourselves? Is that any kind of life? And surely, all you will be doing is exposing us to the heavenly wrath of the Jade Emperor...and that's just asking for us to be annihilated." Hui Gai watched the ripple of fear as it extended across the listening demons, rather like clustering bees sending out a signal with their wings by vibrating.

But suggesting their defeat was the wrong thing to say.

Now it was the fat guy's turn to laugh.

"Heavenly wrath?" He scoffed. "You're only saying that because you want us to stay here, cowering like fools too afraid to take what we want by might alone. Your brain has gotten soft, molded by those people you call friends who want to keep us all under their thumbs! I know all about your so called "friends"'re too busy bumlicking them to give a thought to our future, that's why you're such a lame leader. You've had your it's time to move over and let these demons see the extent of our powers, our true worth! Cheer if you agree!" He addressed all those listening.

A deafening cry spread out through the thousands of demons listening.

Hui Gai would bet that most of them didn't even know what was going on...they weren't the sharpest tools of the bunch. And the way this Demon was going, he was swaying them to his side effortlessly.

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