Chapter 123 Wedding Part 1

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The day of the wedding arrived and after auspicious morning rain, only enough to dampen the thirsty grasses on the sides of well worn paths, the sun broke through the clouds and miraculously, Wei Ying woke up.

He stretched, eyes still closed as warm hands held him down. The smile on his face was kissed, first the two corners and then his beautiful mouth before the whine of longing could leave it.

This first kiss of the morning was like their first kiss in Grandmother's cave...but Wei Ying would argue that their first kiss was on Phoenix mountain when Wei Ying was blindfolded and a strong "maiden" had stolen it.

Whenever he reminded his husband about that day, at first, Lan Zhan was embarrassed but when he saw that Wei Ying did not, Wei Ying was pleased about it? He took it and owned it like a boss.

Now his lips were soft against plump ones, kissing him back with ardent fervour, a gasp, a moan and then a wriggle. There were times that Lan Zhan wondered if Wei Ying knew how much his behaviour resembled that of their beloved bunnies...though probably not.

Lan Zhan pressed down on him and freed his hands so he could hold this lovely face,  and looking down on his beautiful eyes still not open, his long sooty eyelashes curling on sleep-flushed rosy cheeks...Lan Zhan had to kiss him again, overwhelmed by the explosion of love in his heart.

They parted to breathe, and Lan Zhan lay back holding Wei Ying closer on his chest.

"Do you remember our wedding day?" Wei Ying mused as his breathing returned to normal.

"I will never forget."

Wei Ying hid his face in Lan Zhan’s neck, whining softly.

The arms around him tightened.

"I love you so much..." Wei Ying was saying, whispering it against his soft skin, imagining the words to sink in.

"I love you more." Lan Zhan smiled into lotus fragranced hair, kissing it softly. "Wei Ying had a great idea when he suggested an afternoon wedding."

Wei Ying was silently thinking about what he was saying.

"Does that mean..." He sat up, straddling him, "that the Great Hanguang-Jun likes spending lazy mornings in bed?" He giggled, an impulsive sound surprised out of his body by golden eyes snapping open, a predatory, dangerous glinting amber.

Lan Zhan flipped them over so fast, Wei Ying was dizzy.

"Number one, we are not lazy." Lan Zhan sunk his teeth into Wei Ying's collarbone, eliciting a deep and throaty moan. "Number two, I only like spending time in bed if Wei Ying is here..." his fingers began roaming, making Wei Ying writhe with need, squirming against him. "And Number three, the Great Hanguang-Jun is only that because of his Wei other reason."

His lips were hovering temptingly close, over Wei Ying’s mouth and his hands...? They were making Wei Ying sing another kind of song, one his ears longed for all the time.

Lan Zhan gave into the need swimming through his veins, hot like fire, burning through his body. Wei Ying was flung into the abyss of scorching pleasure as waves of ecstacy flooded through him. When he was finally able to kiss him back, he thanked the stars for his beloved Lan Zhan.


Hours later, dressed and presentable at last, they left the Jingshi holding hands. They were going to see JingYi just before the wedding and see if he needed anything.

The sunshine was stronger now, warming their faces as they sauntered at a leisurely pace. Lan Zhan seemed relaxed and happy and Wei Ying felt bubbly and alive.

Cloud Recesses was beautiful in every season, but summer was when it burst into vivid life. Pansies and bluebells, gentians and honeysuckle...colourful kisses on the earth as they passed by. Wei Ying bounced along next to his beloved, though there came a moment when he rushed into a field much to Lan Zhan’s chagrin, only to return with an arms full of fragrant hyacinth flowers and smiling brighter than the sun.

"Please my love, won't you hold these for me?" He said excitedly, silver eyes shining with love.

Lan Zhan could look nowhere else, holding out his sleeve as a sack.

Wei Ying dumped his cache and picked the best one, selecting it for colour vibrancy and perfume, before tucking it securely in Lan Zhan’s headband next to his ear. Not to be outdone, Lan Zhan picked a vivid red bloom and fastened it in the ribbon of his ponytail, smiling gently.

"We should match." He insisted.

"You're absolutely right, my love. Let's gift the rest of these to JingYi then. He can give them to his new wife."

JingYi was already dressed and sitting down on his bed when they knocked on his door.

He looked nervous but he relaxed a little when Wei Ying hugged him.

"How do you feel?" Wei Ying made him sit down and poured fresh tea for everyone.

"Little bit scared...little bit nervous..." JingYi said, playing with the hem of his sleeves. "Thank you for everything though. I love the design on these robes. And the decorations..."

They looked around at the transformed home which a week ago was just bare cherrywood flooring and tables with white fluttering drapes. Now red silk floated everywhere, from the ceiling to the floor. Even the bed they were sitting on was covered in red sheets and pillow cases.

"Are you happy though?" Wei Ying wanted to know.

He reached across and held JingYi's hand, giving it a squeeze. Wei Ying didn’t want to get emotional but JingYi was the last of the four ducklings; Ouyang ZiZhen had married the year before and Jin Ling's marriage to SiZhui was three years ago...Time sped by faster than a swallow and only the changes in their lives marked its passing.

"I am." JingYi replied, as if the answer surprised himself. "I...I never felt like an orphan here..." He glanced up at his hero's face and looked away just as quickly. "This Clan accepts me ... has done from the very beginning...but..." He swallowed with difficulty.

"But....?" Wei Ying asked him when it looked like he'd decided not to continue.

"Both of you made it better...that's all." He was looking at Wei Ying so hopefully, that Wei Ying threw his arms around the boy and sobbed.

"I'm so happy too!" Wei Ying cried. "We've always thought of you ducklings as our own, you know and to find that you're okay and you're's all I would ever want for you. All of you..."

There was a knock on the door, and head poking around the door.

Two heads and then two more bodies crashed into the hug as SiZhui and Jin Ling ran in, eager to support their best friend.

Lan Zhan caught Wei Ying’s eyes and smiled, for today was going to be a day of happy tears.

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