Chapter 114 Home

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After everyone had calmed down, and everything was explained to JingYi in clear details, he accepted.

He had smiled first and then laughed excitedly, saying, "hey! That means I get to call you guys Dad!"

It obviously meant so much to him, that Wei Ying deeply regretted not doing this earlier. But JingYi hugged him, the smile never leaving his face.

"The thing is, I'm more special than anyone else." He declared.

"How so?" Wei Ying had asked and then blushed because that sounded as if he didn't agree. But JingYi didn't seem to notice.

"Well, see...I'm like an antique...the older I get, the more my value goes up. And if I'm the last to get adopted, and factor in my age, that means there's no one else quite like me...that's what makes me special." He looked so happy about his logic, and since it made sense, they did not have the heart to disagree.

And as long as their child was happy, that's all they wanted.

"You know, whether it's official or not, I've always thought of you like I do SiZhui...and Jin Ling...Li XiWang and Rumi...Shui...Lan Zhan! Look how many children we have!!" Wei Ying exclaimed, beaming at his red ears.

It was almost as if he had only just realised this.

"I'm going to go and find my brothers and sisters now." JingYi said, still making heart eyes at them.

The moment he left, Wei Ying climbed into Lan Zhan’s lap.

Lan Zhan frowned because he appeared to be trembling still.

"Mn?" He asked, hesitantly, holding him closer automatically.

"I know...I'm shaking. I can’t even understand it myself." Wei Ying said softly. "Hold me tighter...please."

Lan Zhan did, kissing the side of his head.

"Perhaps it is the shock that, that is our child." He said, absolutely serious.

Wei Ying couldn’t believe his ears.

He smacked him lightly.

"Don't be mean."

"It was not my intention." Lan Zhan hummed to himself. "That boy says what I am is disconcerting."

"True...but then, no one can tell him off because he's a kid..." Wei Ying laughed to himself. "I sense more chaos coming..."

"Mn. He's only going to get worse."

Wei Ying grinned at him.

"But you love him..."

"Love is...a strong word..."

Wei Ying whooped with delight, smacking their lips together with unadulterated joy.

Lan Zhan had a bitchy side that he tried to repress and Wei Ying loved it when he let it out.

" know what this means...right?" Wei Ying beamed at him.


Lan Zhan felt all sorts of wary...and he was right to be cautious because Wei Ying was a fairground ride devoid of brakes.

"We get to plan another wedding!" Wei Ying let out another joyous shout, so excited was he to be hosting another one. "I'm going to ambush Zhitiao tomorrow and find out what she wants. A wedding isn't just a ceremony, you's a vision." Wei Ying said wisely, already secretly planning how he was going to smuggle in copious amounts of prohibited Emperor's Smile.

But for now, it was late and Lan Zhan began humming their song gently.

"Wait..." Wei Ying leaned back, smiling down at him. "I want to know something..."

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