Chapter 30 Wei Ying

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Zago was curious.

Wei Ying could feel it, coming from her in waves.

I wonder...can I speak to you like this? Through a mental connection?


On what, Zago?

Whether or not you can pay me enough?

Her tone was dry, as if masking her delight that they could communicate like this.

Probably...I'm married to a really rich guy...

Wei Ying stifled a laugh.

Why don't you ask me what you're dying to?

I mean...there's so much....

You have to start somewhere,'s making me antsy...

Alright, I really want to know why you feel like you have to help people...most of the time, they're lying little toe rags...I don't get it...

Wei Ying felt embarrassed at first, but he tried to explain after thinking for a while. At least she was keeping his mind off the fact that both Lan Zhan and Hui Gai weren't there by his side. He had no doubts that were he to reach out to any of them, they'd come immediately, but just not having them there, especially Lan was brutal. just happens. Right place, right time kind of thing.

I'm not talking about those random ones. I mean the big stuff...for example, why are we here?

That's easy. I've always believed the Sects should be responsible for those in their care, and it shouldn't be based on monetary value. I belong to the Lan Sect now, so I want to help...but even if I didn't...I would still want to do something.

Why? And what should I call you?

Wei WuXian.

Wei Ying could not imagine anyone else calling him by his birth one could say it like Lan Zhan could. A mix of yearning and want and love and everything in between.

In my life...I've been in a position where just a kind word would have made all the difference to me...I needed help so much and when I got it, it came with a price tag. Over the years...I guess I want to be the difference...I want to be the one that isn't like's hard to explain.

Wei Ying was feeling tired again.

He lamented this more than anything else, because it was the last thing he needed right now.

The tap on his shoulder alerted him to the fact that he should have been paying attention to his surroundings, but he supposed it added to his cover. The waiter led him to the stairs.

He could hear the sound of someone sucking enthusiastically on their lollipop.

It's showtime! Zago said, excitedly.

The guards directed him to the left hand corridor, after checking his hand and giving him a key. He walked down the thinly carpeted path, wondering which door was hiding his beloved.

His door came along, and Wei Ying knew his time had run out.

How are you feeling?

He must have been tired enough for it to show, if Zago had noticed too. He felt a pressure on his hand, stopping him from turning the key.

You know you don't have to do this, right? Zago insisted.

You're wrong about that.

He turned the key anyway, hearing her sighing next to him.

But I'm glad you're with me, Zago.

Say that again after we leave.

So she didn't want to do this, either.

This room had long flowing curtains from the ceiling, giving it a pleasant aesthetic. Black and gold items added to the view, making it appear dramatic and exciting., but there was a strange smell hanging oppressively around them. There was a bed in the centre of the room, and Wei Ying noticed a few talismans applied to the walls...but when he recognised them and what they were for, he tried not to panic.

Zago...this is a trap.

They held their breath...waiting for something to happen.

The young man stood up sleepily, and for a second, Wei Ying saw his naturally brown eyes open in a confused manner, when suddenly they turned a brilliant red, and the mouth smiled, very unnaturally.

Zago grabbed his sleeve.

"Who are you?" Wei Ying asked him.

"Someone who wants your attention." The deep voice was raspy and coarse, the mouth not moving in sync with the words which were slurred.

"Surely this would be easier for you to just show yourself now? What's the point in pretending when we both know you are not that child?" Wei Ying tried not to feel angry, but he hated that innocent people were being used in such a manner.

"Before I do that...I have to get rid of a parasite."

There was no warning.

Suddenly the hand on his sleeve was pulled away and Zago shrieked with pain; at the same time, a green smoke poured out around them and made it difficult to see. It burned Wei Ying’s eyes and made him cough, but he was aware of being taken away, from the rush of wind all around him and the cold feeling on his face.

Someone was holding him around his waist and it was not Lan Zhan.

He had to wait until his eyes stopped streaming with tears from the noxious gas that the Demon had released in that tiny room, before he could properly open his eyes again. They felt gritty and sore, and he rubbed at them to make them feel better, fully aware that he was more vulnerable like this, with one of his main senses incapacitated.

When he was finally able to open them and keep them open, he saw that they were out in the open, a clearing in the middle of a forest. Since most trees looked the same, he didn't bother looking around.

Instead, he concentrated on the huge Demon standing in front of him, with a big satisfied smile on his face, his red eyes shining with curious glee.

"Now we can talk." He said, ominously.



Dear Lovely Readers, cannot say you weren't expecting something like this...all I ask is for your patience and trust as we go through this story.

Sometimes it's nice to just sit in for the ride...

Thank you for your comments and guesses, they are very interesting and I appreciate them very much.

Keep the chocolate coming, because I can promise you, you're gonna need it!


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