Chapter 32 Together

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Lan Zhan was looking at Hui Gai in desperation when both their faces changed as they sensed Wei Ying, seconds before he teleported onto the floor next to them in the drinking house.

By now people were panicking and leaving in droves around them, but Lan Zhan had eyes only for his love.


"Wei WuXian!"

Both Jiang Cheng and XiChen were panicking at the sight of the unconscious man.

Lan Zhan picked him up and looked at his brother and Hui Gai.

"Healers. Cloud Recesses." He teleported immediately, gathering Wei Ying close to his chest.

As far as he could tell, Wei Ying was only exhausted and had fallen asleep...but it was best to make sure.

Luckily Hui Gai knew what he had meant and brought the others back with him. The healers were startled at first, but when Healer Fei saw the determination on Lan Zhan’s face, he pushed everyone out of the room except Lan Zhan, to do a thorough examination.

When he pulled back Wei Ying’s robes, Healer Fei frowned.

Even Lan Zhan was surprised at what Wei Ying’s body looked like now.

"He's losing weight. Why was this not added to the list of symptoms?"

Lan Zhan felt his ears darken...the truth was, he hadn’t really noticed...the change wasn't apparent until you really looked. Every night they slept together, he was just grateful that Wei Ying was right there, in his arms.

"I am sorry. It is my mistake. I should have been more observant." He said, quietly.

Healer Fei's face softened, looking at him.

"I am not pointing out your negligence, I am merely stating something necessary." He amended.

But Lan Zhan still felt terrible.

He never would have agreed to go out on this awful mission had he known what was going to happen. And he had been right there, when Wei Ying was taken.

He watched Healer Fei check Wei Ying’s body properly now, relieved that there were no injuries. The others were allowed back, only when Wei Ying was ready to be taken back to the Jingshi.

"Are you alright, Didi? And A-Xian?" XiChen asked him, while Jiang Cheng went to stand by his side.

Lan Zhan silently hugged him.

"It's not your fault, Didi. Everything will be okay, don't worry. When we're tired, everything looks worse than it is. You need to rest as well." He held his brother tightly, for longer.

After everything Lan Zhan had been through, it was easy for him to spiral into self-blame and guilt.


"We can wait until A-Xian wakes up to find out what happened to him. Tomorrow, Jiang WanYin and I will travel to Huateng and Fengfu Baifan, see if we can't collect any more evidence or accounts of any sufferers. Now that we know we have to look for men whose preferences match our own, the task will be much easier. You should stay home and look after A-Xian."

"Perhaps we can send notices to all the villages and to the other sects, telling them what we discovered. It might cut down on the casualties, save lives." Lan Zhan realised how tired he was as well.

He stepped back, embarrassed about his moment of weakness. Xiongzhang was right, sleep was the best thing right now.

"Don't worry, Didi. Jiang WanYin and I will make arrangements. We can ask Lotus Pier to help spread the word too." XiChen looked towards his husband, who silently nodded.

Concern was etched on his face too.

This illness was taking its toll on everyone around Wei Ying, not just Lan Zhan.

The doors burst open and Baoshan Sanren marched in.

"What happened?"

XiChen filled her in, while she also checked her grandson to make sure he was alright. Healer Fei sniffed with disdain, and watched her from the side.

She let out a noise of frustration.

"I've never seen anything like this." She turned to XiChen. "I want to go and search in your forbidden room."

XiChen looked at Lan Zhan.

Baoshan Sanren stepped in between them.

"This is not the time to waver in indecision. My grandson needs helps and you're lucky I'm asking."

"Very well. Follow me." XiChen glanced at Lan Zhan. " with A-Xian. I mean it."

Lan Zhan watched them leave and then with a heavy heart, he picked up his beloved.

"Don't worry about the children." Jiang Cheng said, quickly. "SiZhui and Jin Ling are arriving tomorrow...they'll take care of our kids. Just...spend as much time as you can with that idiot."

For what it was worth, Lan Zhan understood the peace offering for what it was. He nodded, and walked out.

Back inside the Jingshi, he carefully lay Wei Ying on their bed and removed his outer robes. He thought back on what Healer Fei had said, as he changed into his own sleeping robes and removed Wei Ying’s boots and socks, readying them both for sleep.

But it didn't matter what anyone else told him, he still would blame himself for not noticing Wei Ying’s weight change. What did it mean? And what had happened tonight, when Wei Ying had been taken?

His head hurt with all the possibilities so he cleared his mind and sat on the edge of their bed, watching Wei Ying sleeping.

On the surface, Wei Ying looked better than fine. Sleep caused the faintest pinkish tinge across his naturally rosy cheeks, and his lashes were long, curled over the curve of his soft skin.

Lan Zhan bent down and kissed his cheeks, one by one, and then his nose. Next came Wei Ying’s forehead and lastly, his gorgeous lips.

"Good night, my love." He spoke quietly into the night.

He lay down next to his husband, pulling him closer. Listening to his heart beating, and the soft sounds of his breathing, as his chest rose and sank.

He hoped that the next day would see his beloved awake and well, and able to stay that way for longer.

Then he closed his eyes and tried to sleep himself, though he knew that it would be hard tonight.



Dear Lovely Readers,

Just to put your mind at ease and help you go to sleep as well, I hope you feel better at the end of this chapter.

Tomorrow is another day!! Yay!

Good night and sweet dreams.


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