Chapter 53 Danger

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Jiang Cheng had never trusted demons, especially not with his track record regarding Hui Gai. He was cautious about demons because all of his life, he had been told how wily they were, how you couldn't ever trust a demon, because they would sooner spit on you than help in any way, yet Hui Gai wasn't completely bad.

Alright, he had it in for Jiang Cheng but he was wonderful to Li XiWang and Rumi, and even better of a good friend to Wei WuXian. And all the while, Jiang Cheng shared Baoshan Sanren's opinion of him, waiting for the other shoe to drop and for Hui Gai to do some act of betrayal to which Jiang Cheng could turn around and say, "I told you so."

But Hui Gai remained faithful and it was Jiang Cheng who was left questioning himself and his own thoughts about the Demon King.

This Demon however...he was far more dangerous than he looked.

That was the defining factor about Hui Gai: he had the means to hurt people but he did not, especially if he thought they were innocent.

This Demon would have no such qualms, of that, Jiang Cheng was certain. And his husband, the current Sect Leader seemed to be forgetting certain qualities that were said to be those of a demon's natural personality.





Wanting to cause chaos wherever they went.

This demon wanted something. And XiChen was right to call him out on it.

They were careful not to step beyond the ward that he could not pass through.

XiChen looked at the sheer strength of this brute. His muscles were huge, rippling through his body with every attempt at breaking this ward. Arms like the thickest branches of the moon tree, thighs wider than tree trunks...this person was powerful, and he knew it.

XiChen decided he was not going to let him know how intimidating he was. "So he asked the first question.

"What do you want, Demon?"

The Demon turned to face them.

His red eyes with a slash of black focused on XiChen as the person to talk to.

Jiang Cheng did not like that at all. Their hands were joined under their robes so no one could tell, but he hated the fact that it would show a sign of weakness when it was really their greatest source of strength, each other.

"I want..." He drawled..."my demands to be met. I told your cultivator that if the demon baby is not presented to me I shall continue killing people regardless. And yet, I see that you have not brought him here. Why such disrespect?" He boomed, pretending to be upset over this.

"You must allow some leeway in this situation. We have not managed to talk to the one you spoke with. We have no idea of your demands." XiChen told him clearly, and this was the truth.

"Really?" The Demon did not believe him.

"Really." XiChen insisted. "And why do you want the Demon baby? He is but a child...useless to one as powerful as yourself."

"It is my master's greatest wish. The child possesses a unique quality that we need. And surely you can see...a demon is best suited to his people...which no not you. You may pretend to like him while he is growing up, even teach him your ways...but when it's time to choose between you and his people...what do you think he's going to do then?" The Demon scratched his chin, pretending to think.

"Don't fall for it." Jiang Cheng warned XiChen, who looked as if he was wavering.

The Demon considered Jiang Cheng, staring at him for a good few seconds.

"I am merely speaking the truth. The mortal world is of no use for my kind of people. I have come back to relieve you of his presence. That is my sole intention."

"You know...we cannot decide something like this by ourselves." XiChen began to say.

"Excuses!" He sent forth a blast of power towards the ward, stepping back to prevent the resounding backlash from affecting him.

"And if our elders agree...then he must be allowed to say goodbye in an appropriate fashion." XiChen was saying.

"I shall give you three days." The Demon told them.

"Five. He has gotten used to living here...he must be given time to adjust." XiChen argued, hoping the demon would agree.

"My master is not a patient man." The Demon retorted.

"Two extra days is nothing, surely? He has waited so long already...and if there is to be a peaceful solution to this..." XiChen let his words hang in the air. "Who is your master anyway?" He asked, hoping for a real answer.

"That does not concern you. Give the boy to us in five days and we will leave your world. That is the deal." The Demon vanished.

"Well...that was...entertaining." XiChen said, turning around to walk back.

"You can't be serious!" Jiang Cheng exploded.

"Why not?" XiChen laughed.

That's all  Li XiWang heard as she crawled away from there, her heart broken into tiny pieces. Her fathers were not here to oppose them and Rumi was at the mercy of people who were willing to give him away...he was her little brother and she was going to protect him, no matter what.

But the betrayal hurt her.

She couldn't risk being discovered here, hiding behind this boulder, so when she was a suitable distance away, she made a run for it. She ran as fast as she could, not daring to breathe deeper for fear of letting loose her grief, which was threatening to choke her.

Why had Uncle XiChen agreed? Why had he not said no? She needed to find Hui Gai and tell him as soon as possible what was going on. When she reached the Jingshi, she entered as quietly as she could and closed the door behind her. Then she removed her boots and crawled into her parents' bed, weeping inconsolably.

She was going to have to be brave soon, but for now, she let herself cry.

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