Chapter 62 Wen Ning

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Wen Ning had to climb.

Only the lower slopes had been easier to navigate but because this place wasn't suitable for humans to travel upon, the terrain was harder to travel on. Loose rocks and stones constantly hindered his feet, and Wen Ning half thought that maybe the mountain was trying to stop his progress.

When he was a child, he remembered a fable his mother had told him, once when he couldn’t sleep. She told him that in the beginning, mountains used to be able to fly; all of them had wings.

But one day, a mountain became tired and landed without checking where he was, and unfortunately landed in a field of cows. The cows died leaving a very upset farmer who cursed all the mountains and their wings disappeared.

Wen Ning could sympathise with the farmer now, because he understood why they were cursed.

There was no trail to speak of and parts of the mountain were sparse and flat. Then, Wen Ning had no idea if he was climbing or going around in circles at the same height.

Half of himself concentrated on his surroundings while the other half wondered what was he going to face?

Something Gu Xing had implied but not actually said clearly made him believe that challenges lay ahead. For the first time in his life, Wen Ning wished he could fly.

This mountain was so obviously used by those who could, and so his fast ability to run was virtually useless here.

And another part of his mind pondered on why he felt so strange here. That feeling had started once he had crossed under the red gate, and immediately felt a suffocating presence, almost as if time had stopped in this place.

And the air felt powerful, not static as if it just existed, but alive and full of energy. There were possibilities here, ones that he didn't understand. A dormant power just waiting to be called upon.

Wen Ning came to a particularly difficult ledge and paused, looking out across the view. He tried to send a message to Hui Gai, a few times and received no response. He wasn't surprised because he had a feeling that the ward which prevented Gu Xing from accompanying him was responsible for this too, a barrier which allowed no communication to anything on the outside of it.

Again, he wondered, who had made it? Who had created this forcefield around these  remote mountains, where humans were not allowed? And if they weren't, then why the precautions to restrict them? Nothing made sense.

Wen Ning straightened suddenly.

He had the distinct feeling of being watched.

He turned around slowly.


Hui Gai held both kids by their hands.

Li XiWang had woken Rumi and now all three were going to the Hanshi to talk to the Sect Leader about the Sleeping Sickness Demon. It was way past lunchtime and Hui Gai was hoping they would be awake by now.

Hui Gai was fairly certain that XiChen was just buying was entirely possible that Li XiWang, still being a child, might have misread the situation and gotten the wrong end of the stick. Whatever it was, Hui Gai was determined to get to the bottom of it.

He did not like Li XiWang being upset, and because this concerned Rumi, both being the children of his friends, he felt responsible for them while their parents were not there.

Also, if he was wrong, and XiChen was actually going to give up the little Demon boy, then Hui Gai was going to have some fun.

After all, his friend was otherwise engaged and there was nothing to stop him doing what he wanted to.

Hui Gai loved freedom.

Zago popped up next to them and stuck her hand out to Li XiWang to hold. She also handed out lollipops to the children and they made a happy little family when they knocked on the door of the Hanshi.

They had to knock a second time, before a bleary-eyed Jiang Cheng opened the door.

He saw Hui Gai and realised he should have opened both his eyes.

"What is it?" He asked, straightening his robes, slightly more alert.

"We've come to get some answers." Hui Gai replied, frowning.

He knew he could look terrifying if he chose to. His black scales were polished and shiny, and his red eyes were intense. If he smiled, he could choose to make it friendly...or not.

And in a place that was usually white and devoid of colour, he stood out like a red flag.

And he did not particularly like this abrasive man. Jiang Cheng might have good attributes but Hui Gai had yet to see any he liked.

"'s really early. Do we have to do this now?" He sighed, not looking away.

"We don't want to talk to you anyway." Hui Gai replied, and he knew he was being rude, but he did not care right now. "Where is the Sect Leader?"

Jiang Cheng scowled.

He closed the door when a voice behind him asked a question.

Hui Gai was certain that XiChen had more brains than the Purple Gripe. He laughed to himself, and they waited.

Zago aggressively crunched through three lollipops before the door opened again.

This time, it was a sunny XiChen opening the door.

"Good afternoon. How may I help you?" He said, pleasantly, smiling at his guests.

"It's not what you can do for us, it's how we're gonna save your sorry ass." Hui Gai told him.

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