Chapter 59 Lao Long

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Waiting was boring for everyone.

They ran out of things to talk about, and only SiZhui sat on the single chair, JingYi next to him, by his feet Zhitiao was still trying to fend off kisses and licks from the baby that had taken a shine to her. The others sat around idly, lost in their thoughts.

And it was precisely because of the silence in that circular room, that SiZhui's sharp ears caught the sound of something strange.

"Did you guys hear that?" He said, standing up.

Some shook their heads, others said no, but they all listened carefully in case the noise was repeated.

When it came again, SiZhui bolted out of the room, racing down the stairs, with Jin Ling running after him.

He followed the pitiful cries...and they became louder and louder as the cultivators and dragon babies came nearer.

The trail disappeared and SiZhui had to cut away the dense foliage with his sword, as Jin Ling did the same right next to him. The cries became agonising, and SiZhui wondered what it could be.

Certainly by the loudness, they could tell it was a huge animal.

They burst forth from the clinging vines and branches to find themselves in a clearing of sorts, sheltered by tall ancient cedars and other trees with wide leaves, preventing the natural sunlight from entering.

But they didn't have much time to look around because a huge purple dragon lay in the centre, on its side and clearly in pain. That was the source of the cries.

The reason for his pain was five green slithering dragons attacking his body from the sky.

SiZhui felt such pity for it, that he ran ahead and drew out his sword, swiping at the nearest dragon while it snarled and attempted to bite him, and Jin Ling covered his back, protecting him from another vicious attack. The dragon babies took to the skies and began fighting in the air, launching fireballs across the space to singe wings and hurt the three up overhead.

The fighting was fierce and intense, and Zhitiao joined in, with her bow and arrow after arrow fired to maim and destroy. One of the three in the sky swooped down to attack her since she had the long range weapon, and JingYi kept shouting out instructions, cheerleading and encouraging them all.

Then one green dragon, the fiercest one of the five took a deep breath and dread pooled in the stomach of Jin Ling, who realised too late what it was about to do.

"WATCH OUT!! SIZHUI!!" He shouted.

Fire, red flames burst from its mouth aimed straight at SiZhui who was doing a fantastic job of protecting the purple dragon, too weak to move now.

But then, SiZhui flung away his sword in what looked like an insane move, and held his palms out just in time, deflecting the fiery attack and creating a shield from fire all of his own.

In fact, his strength outmatched that of the dragon intent on attacking them, and it screeched in surprise. SiZhui's attack made it go on the defensive and with one last ear-piercing scream, it flew away.

It must have been the leader because once it flew out of range, the other four green dragons gave up and followed it.

SiZhui staggered, and Jin Ling was there to catch him.

"You and me...we're going to talk about what you just did." He told his husband, simple relief radiating from his pores.

He could have lost SiZhui...that thought was as the forefront of his mind.

"Young Master..." the purple dragon opened its yellow eyes, so much like Gu Xing.

Both SiZhui and Jin Ling bowed towards him.

"My name... is Lao Long, and... I thank you... for helping me." He said with great difficulty.

The other red dragon babies spoke to him in their language, one of them going closer and licking his face.

"He's going to die." JingYi said slowly, listening carefully to their conversation.

"Why were those dragons hurting you?" SiZhui asked him.

"I am resting on an array...and it is nearly my time to leave this place." Lao Long replied.

"Aren't they supposed to be immortal?" Jin Ling asked SiZhui, whispering under his breath.

"I...chose not to... accept that Fate." The older dragon rasped out. He was having a hard time breathing. "But those rascals.... knew what I have... in my possession...and that is why they attack me...when I am most vulnerable." Lao Long took a few deep breaths but it didn't really help.

None of the seven knew what to do.

SiZhui pulled out his qiankun pouch and drew out a gourd of water. He stepped up close to the huge mouth of this dragon, and showed him what it was.

"Would you like some water, Grandfather Long?" He asked, gently.

The old dragon stared long and hard at him.

He nodded then, and opened his massive gaping jaws, until SiZhui poured all of it inside. The enormous dragon smiled then at him, and closed his eyes, content.

"Step away from the array.... and stay... until it shines no more. I leave your kind heart... with a gift." He said softly so that only SiZhui and Jin Ling heard him.

Jin Ling grabbed SiZhui's waist and pulled him away, and the others retreated immediately.

Not a moment too soon, because just where they had been standing, a red array lit up and SiZhui, who had been watching the old dragon closely, knew the moment his soul left his body. The array became brighter, lighting up that dark clearing and the body of the dragon burst into flames.

This fire was no ordinary one, a hundred times more powerful than normal fire because it came from the depths of his body. Seconds later, the array that had been covered with dead leaves and twigs, the usual debris in a jungle, faded away and all that was left in its centre was a single golden pearl.

"Well...aren't you the lucky ones?" A voice said to them, not far away.

They looked up to see Gu Xing had returned.

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