Chapter 102 Empathy

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A warm breeze softly welcomed them as they came out from the Jingshi, a swirling fragrance of jasmine that must have bloomed in the night. Wild hyacinth and peonies were just beginning to bloom and fat bumble bees danced merrily across their path, dizzy with heavy pollen.

"It's a beautiful day." Wei Ying said, pointing out a butterfly to the children as they walked towards Uncle Qiren’s home.

The Moon tree was flourishing brightly, and a waft of her special perfume came to greet them. As Wei Ying came closer, she threw a garland of her white flowers around his neck, making Rumi laugh with delight.

Lan Zhan felt cautiously about why they had come here, but seeing the unhindered joy on Wei Ying’s face healed those parts of him on the inside, the wounded parts that had hurt on his sadness. Lan Zhan had made a pact with himself long ago; if ever he was to be reunited with his Soulmate, he would do his utmost to protect him both physically and mentally.

So to see him so happy and bright, it made flowers bloom on wounds of old.

As Li XiWang danced to knock on the door, Wei Ying took Lan Zhan’s hand and leaned up to kiss his cheek.

"Are you alright, my love?"

Lan Zhan paused.

He brought Wei Ying into the circle of his arms and simply breathed in his scent, which to his utter relief, had returned to normal. He had missed this, missed being to hold his heart so closely and not be worried about him.

Rumi wriggled out from their embrace and ran towards his sister, leaving Wei Ying’s arms free to wrap around his husband. The warmth of sandalwood, rich and intoxicating, always left Wei Ying a little dazed.

His lips found the tiniest gap in Lan Zhan’s robes and he planted a soft kiss on that delicate skin, making Lan Zhan shiver.

"You didn't answer my question..." He whispered.

"I am now." Lan Zhan kissed the top of his head and finally let go. But his fingers found Wei Ying’s hand and curled together as they met Uncle Qiren.

He was waiting for them by his door, stroking his whiskers thoughtfully.

Once everyone was settled around his little table, he poured out the latest tea Wei Ying had bought for him. They both drank it appreciatively, humming with satisfaction.

"What do you hope to gain by doing this?" He asked, quite seriously. He glanced at Rumi, the only one without a cup of liquid.

"Some insight on whatever it is that Rumi's mother left for him. And I have another request...though ..." Wei Ying stopped speaking, realising that he had not thought it through first.

"And what is it?" Uncle Qiren asked him.

Lan Zhan was playing with a strand of Li XiWang's hair, but even he looked up at that.


"Well...I was just thinking...we know what his parents are called now...and they're not around any more...and I get that he can't remember them either...but I was wondering if there was a place where we could put tablets with their names? Probably not your ancestral Hall...but is there somewhere else?" Wei Ying looked between Lan Zhan and Uncle Qiren.

"Behind the Jingshi. There's a place." Lan Zhan said quietly. "It shall be done."

"Alright then. We should get started on today's agenda." Uncle Qiren said.

Wei Ying handed him the bell. He took it, examining it closely but he did not say anything about it.

Li XiWang was moved to sit next to Uncle Qiren while Lan Zhan sat across from both Wei Ying and Rumi. They held hands, forming a triangle of energy.

"Uncle. Wei Ying shall be leading us. If it looks like something is going wrong, ring the bell."

"Understood. You may begin." He replied. "And be careful."

"Thank you, Uncle." Wei Ying smiled at him, and then closed his eyes.

The other two took their cue from him and did the same.

Lan Zhan was a steady presence next to him all this while, seeing and feeling everything he did.

In his mind, Wei Ying entered Rumi's mind and began searching for his memories.

From his experience, he knew that a person's mind was split generally into three sections: past, present and future.

Mostly these were open rooms, but Rumi had suffered a which case, the room containing his memories could be locked. Unlocking it would have to be done carefully.

Luckily, because Rumi was young, Wei Ying located the place almost immediately. And, because Rumi trusted him, there was no resistance yet, except when they got to the door. Perhaps Rumi was just as curious as they were.

From what Hui Gai had told them about the other demon's story, Wei Ying was wary from the get go. If Rumi had seen his parents die...Wei Ying sincerely hoped not.

To his shock, the door opened easily.

Straight away, they found themselves looking through Rumi's eyes.

His parents were putting him to sleep in a roughly hewn cradle, rocking his body into slumber. Zuzhou was indeed the whitest Demon they had ever seen, his amber eyes startlingly bright. Qiangda was beautiful, glowing with a mother's love. Her hand caressed Rumi's little face and he fell asleep.

His next memory was clearer.

He was sitting next to his father, who was weaving cloth on a loom. A piece of fluff floated in the air and landed on Rumi, and as soon as it did, Rumi giggled.

The sound was so unexpected, it made both his parents stop what they were doing to watch him. Zuzhou picked the piece of fluff up and released it again, above Rumi's head.

Once more, Rumi shied away, watching it with trepidation until it got closer and the laughter burst out of him.

His father abandoned his work and began playing in earnest, not allowing any time to pass between making the fluff fly. By now, Rumi was almost in tears, laughing so hard that his breath was catching and no sound was coming out.

"'ll make him sick!" Warned his mother, with a bright smile on her face.

He had his father's eyes Wei Ying thought.

Still the same shape. He looks more like his mother...but there are parts exclusively like his father. Lan Zhan reassured him.

Rumi's eyes had changed the most, from ochre to red to now purple.

This was a heartwarming scene, all three of them joined by happiness.

Wei Ying felt so sad for the little baby...he only had a few more years left with his parents, before they passed away.

There were other memories, hazy thoughts and nothing as clear as that laughing day.

Wei Ying wasn't even sure if he felt relieved that there seemed to be no memory of their deaths, or disappointment that there wasn't anything.

Maybe Rumi had simply forgotten?

There was nothing else to discover, so they left after closing the door.

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