Chapter 24 Zago

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Zago was taller than Hui Gai. Her scales were green, dark, beautiful and dangerous, with the same red eyes as Hui Gai. She had a clipboard and a marker pen.

"See? Red is more effective." Hui Gai was telling her jubilantly.

"Alright, if you say so." She replied nonchalantly. "But you don't want to overdo it. Less is more."

"Little Rabbit likes it, and that's enough for me." Hui Gai told her.

"Which one's Little Rabbit?" She narrowed her eyes at everyone.

Hui Gai made introductions.

When he got to Baoshan Sanren, he tried not to shrink back, but the celestial was quite formidable anyway, and she expressly did not like demons, so she was already losing patience.

"Demon! We asked you to come here because of something important. It is not the time to play games." Baoshan Sanren said.

"Why is she so hostile?" Zago asked Hui Gai.

Hui Gai shrugged.

"What's so important?" Zago asked, getting ready to take notes.

"I was called away to a meeting of Celestial Warriors. They have heard rumours of the Demon Master. They said he's come back." Baoshan Sanren looked around the library, but it seemed no one was affected.

"Grandmother, who is the Demon Master? And why is he so important?" Wei Ying asked.

"I suppose it's before your time. I shouldn't be surprised," she said to herself. Out loud, she carried on. "The Demon Master was rumoured to be even more powerful than Yao Wang, the then Demon King. The Celestial Warriors said they found evidence of him leaving the Nether World just before the demise of Yao Wang. So I have to ask, do any of you know about him?"

Hui Gai shook his head, looking at Wei Ying.

"The only times I visited the Nether World were with you, PengYou. I don't know anything about anyone who might have escaped. What's so great about him anyway?"

"He can manipulate space and time. Appear in dreams, make the person dreaming really believe what they're seeing. It is said, he used to kill a lot of people like that." Baoshan Sanren explained.

"Does it sound like the people afflicted by the Sleeping Sickness?" Wei Ying said. "The last time you were inside one of the victims, you saw something, right?"

Hui Gai nodded.

"But it was too fast for me to make an identification. Just a laugh and a flash and whatever it was, it disappeared."

"We need to work out if there's a pattern." Baoshan Sanren said, thinking hard. "If it's one entity, surely they must have a pattern, a reason for how and why they are killing. Nothing is ever random, and if we pursue this matter like that, maybe we'll get somewhere."

"What we learned upon asking the family of the deceased was that one of them for sure was a cut-sleeve. Not too sure about the first one, but in all truth, he could have been. I don't even know if that's important." Wei Ying said, tapping his nose. "And both victims visited the brothel in Tian Shui. That's the next place to investigate, and if we can manage it, then a few more victims and their families. In the long run, it could save lives at the very least."

"I can send out a group. Or we can go ourselves." XiChen offered.

"I would like to. Just to get a feel for what we're looking for. And...well, I don't want to put anyone in danger. Hui Gai said whoever it was laughed...but what if the next encounter becomes dangerous?" Wei Ying admitted.

Lan Zhan pulled him closer just from those last words.

Wei Ying was already sick, and weakening. Lan Zhan knew he couldn’t stop him from going anywhere but he would do his best to protect him. Better than before.

"Who are the Celestial Warriors? What do they do?" XiChen asked.

"There are twelve of us. A very long time ago, the Jade Emperor formed this alliance of the best Warriors, immortal and everlasting. Basically glorified police people. We keep an eye on what's going on, and take measures to protect everyone, and the interests of the Jade Emperor. Now and then, war breaks out, and we become peacekeepers. Our duties vary, but they know that my priorities lie with my children. We haven't had a meeting in ages." She explained.

"So then this is something serious enough to warrant the attention of the Celestials. Does that mean the Jade Emperor knows about what's happening here? Will he help? And does that mean it's going to get worse?" Wei Ying couldn’t keep up with his own questions, his mind running faster than the words bursting from his lips.

"The Jade Emperor will be made aware of any progress, but for now it is only myself and a handful of others. I will try to assist you as much as I can." She smiled at Wei Ying. "Of course it helps that you can teleport wherever you like. You can reach me that much faster."

"So what's the plan?" Zago asked, still making notes and barely looking up.

"We go where he goes." Hui Gai said firmly, pointing at Wei Ying. "And as my personal assistant, you have to help me. That means keeping him safe."

Zago was nodding as she made notes.

"That's not-" Wei Ying tried to interrupt but Zago interrupted him.

"Death wish?"

"No...he's too kind." Hui Gai replied thoughtfully, all laughter gone from his face as he realised the truth of his words. But then he grinned, his mercurial moods shifting like desert dunes. "You should see her fight. She's amazing! Actually, I wouldn't mind if you did put yourself in danger, just to see her protect you!"

"No!" Six voices rang out in protest.

"Just guys need to resuscitate your sense of humour..." Hui Gai rolled his eyes.

"Zago, don't listen to him." Wei Ying told her, folding his arms over his chest.

"I get paid in these, why wouldn't I?" Zago calmly pulled out a candy on a stick and popped it into her mouth.

"Lollipops?" Wei Ying was mystified.

Hui Gai gave him finger guns.

"I'm a genius."

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