Chapter 126 Extra Guests

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Before anyone could move, a disciple came running in.

"The big dragon thingy is here!" He cried, forgetting a lot of rules.

Far away, they heard a familiar roar...and Wei Ying beamed at Lan Zhan.

"That's Suanni... "

"Mn. We can go-"

Wei Ying kissed him, so happy he was at the love and joy and a myriad of different emotions he saw in those deep golden eyes.

And just like that, they teleported to the training grounds which was the only place a dragon of his stature would fit.

Suanni was smiling in that frightening way of his, at new disciples who had never seen him before, quaking in their boots. His fangs were shiny with the saliva dripping into the grass, forming a shallow pool. He let out another roar and the ground shook, while some of white robed students fainted, too much in awe to comprehend what was happening.

Lan Zhan was still kissing his Wei Ying when the third roar rang out around them, and they pulled away from each other. Wei Ying, still dazed, leaned on him for a few seconds more, and Lan Zhan kissed the top of his head fondly, until he felt steady enough to run to Suanni.

The giant beast licked first Wei Ying and then Lan Zhan, who immediately whipped out spotless white towels to wipe down his husband and himself with. Wei Ying had pushed his arms into the thick golden brown fur of Suanni, hugging him tightly,  and soon the loud growl-purring was almost deafening.

XiChen bought Li XiWang and Rumi and Suanni let them climb all over his back, his shaggy head nodding wisely.

Shen Ling and Shen Qing also arrived with their Babies and JingYi and Zhitiao also arrived with an escort.

Then there was a flash of light and Hui Gai appeared with a bored looking Zago, this time nothing in her mouth and she scowled at the ground instead. Hui Gai had not come alone; he had teleported (stolen) a cart filled with Yezi and six crying babies, two which she was just barely managing to hold while her husband, Haitch carried four in his big meaty hands, his dreadlocks swaying as the cart was put down.

Zago looked around and spotted Wei Ying who only now had moved away from Suanni, back into the safety of Lan Zhan’s arms.

"So...any idea when my lollipops are going to be done?" She said, marching up to him. And then she thought about what she had said and looked contrite. "Sorry...I've run makes me cranky."

Lan Zhan was glaring at her with the force of a thousand suns and Hui Gai also did not look too pleased with her.

"How hard can it be?" Jiang Cheng said, moving closer with XiChen who was holding little Li Li now. "It's only sugar and water...and, only you could mess that up!!" He was pointedly staring at Wei Ying then.

Lan Zhan could definitely glare at two people at the same time.

"Why don't you make them then? You owe Hui Gai for curing you." Lan Zhan stated, coldly.

There were times Jiang Cheng really hated living in Cloud Recesses...

"I'll help you." XiChen said, excited, as though it had already been decided.

Zago also looked excited.

Wei Ying grinned at all of them.

"Thanks so much. I have so much to do so it will be a great help!" He turned to Lan Zhan, whose face immediately softened and he smiled.

"It's scary how he does that." Jiang Cheng commented to his husband, and XiChen nodded with understanding.

It was scary.

"That was a great idea, my love. Then I'll be able to concentrate on getting that chapped lip talisman right. I think that's more urgent too." Wei Ying was saying.

"Mn." Lan Zhan looked too happy about that.

"Chapped lips? Oh...because of winter and the cold!" XiChen remarked with approval. "I agree. Winter is only two short months away, you should do it quickly if that's something that affects you."

Wei Ying blushed a deep red and Lan Zhan’s ear burned.

Understanding dawned on Jiang Cheng's face and he scowled.

"Do NOT TELL ME, WEI WUXIAN! I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW!" He shouted, storming off.

Zago followed right behind him.

"So...when do you think you'll be able to do it...huh?" She prodded, much to his annoyance. "Now? Are you gonna? I love orange flavour...just so you know..." She continued to give him pointers as they left.

Yezi handed them a kid each as she went to hug her sister. Many tears were shed between the twins who had tried hard to stick together through thick and thin, until love for their spouses made them drift apart, only from a geographical point of view.  As sisters though, they were as close as ever and Yezi bounded back with her sister and JingYi in tow, to introduce all their new nephews and nieces.

Yezi had given birth to three each, and was the proudest mother.

Wei Ying was cooing over the child in his hands and the one in Lan Zhan’s arms too, both of them with the softest of expressions. When Li XiWang and Rumi slid down Suanni's long fur, she too, had a look of wonder on her face.

"Little Rabbit, would you like to hold this little one?" Wei Ying asked her.

They sat down in the grass and Wei Ying put the baby in her arms and Li XiWang could not look away.

Suddenly all sorts of colourful bubbles appeared all around them, light and bouncy until they were touched when they poofed into colourful smoke. Reds, yellows, pinks and purples, the air was awash with these tiny little marvels and everyone was delighted.

Wei Ying looked towards his little daughter, and saw she was so happy, that her feelings could not be contained any longer, manifesting in this beautiful sight.

Wei Ying caught one too, a blue bubble that he watched trying to guide it without touching it, but it landed in his palm and disappeared, leaving a small cloud of blue smoke disappearing into the air.

There was a shout and they looked up, and somehow these harmless little bubbles of colour were surrounding Jiang Cheng and there was another flash!

Snizzy shot out from his arm, immediately looking for XiChen and wrapping around his arm, her snout eagerly kissing his happy lips.

When the colourful smoke vanished, there was bright colourful bird standing, its plumes huge and of every shade in the Universe.

Tall and proud, it stared everyone down, its body a dark blue indigo and therefore highlighting every vivid feather on its tails...rather like a peacock but bigger.

It stared at all of them...and when it made eye contact with Wei Ying, it rolled its eyes unmistakably.

That's when Wei Ying lost it.

He clutched his sides and laughed and laughed.

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