Chapter 120 Brothers

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Wei Ying was sitting outside the Jingshi, on the bench under the great magnolia tree. It was in full bloom and perfuming the soft breeze around him.

Cloud Recesses was indeed such a remarkable place, poetically beautiful and naturally peaceful even aside from the thousands of rules they insisted upon. Each season held a special place in his heart, and Wei Ying fondly wondered whether he might love it more than his husband, who had grown up here.

It was a place which healed wounds, no matter how long it took.

His eyes were closed but he felt the presence of another person, and the floral scent of lotus flowers, and he knew Jiang Cheng had come to sit with him.

He was unusually quiet today, so Wei Ying also did not disturb his thoughts, choosing to remain silent for now. He must have a reason to seek out Wei Ying’s company, and would probably voice it soon...right?

The sun warmed their faces, a neat tranquility settling upon them as they breathed deeply, allowing their emotions to settle.

"Congratulations...on your newest child." Jiang Cheng said.

Wei Ying opened one silver eye to glance curiously at him.

"Thank you. I don’t know why we didn't do it earlier." He admitted.

"He's got a big mouth. And no filter. I understand." Jiang Cheng was grinning at him.

"Don't be mean. JingYi is just...unique." Wei Ying sat up, thinking about the boy. "I've always thought of him as being one of the ducklings...this is just making it official. Plus...with his wedding coming up...I didn’t want his side to be empty."

Jiang Cheng scoffed.

"This is his home. It's his clan, all of them are his family...."

"I know...I know..." Wei Ying closed his eyes again.


Wei Ying held his breath. They were going to talk about why Jiang Cheng was here now, he could feel it.

"It's a lovely day...isn't it?" Jiang Cheng offered, once more hedging.

Wei Ying beamed at him.

"Why don't you just spit it out? What's on your mind?"

Jiang Cheng changed colours faster than a chameleon.

"I...YOU...What makes you think I have to have a reason to visit you? Why can't I just be passing by? What if I just saw you sitting here and thought, let me go and spend some time with my brother? Since he's only just back from gallivanting around the country?"

Something about this exchange was making Wei Ying remember days gone by. He thought of all those times they used to sit on the pier, him, Jiang Cheng and his Shijie too. They used to talk about anything and everything.

From the look on Jiang Cheng's face, it seemed as if he was remembering those times too, when it was just the three of them against the whole world.

"I miss her."

"I miss her too."

Respect and love for the person they shared a deep affection for made their words evaporate, any they might have said. It was enough that they were united in their grief, and finally had reached a place of communication.

And ironically then, realising that they did not need any words, because they perfectly understood each other.

"I've been meaning to give you this." Wei Ying fished out the box of moon tree seeds that Chang'e had gifted him. He wrapped some fine dust from the green box with three seeds and made a sealed packet out of parchment, handing them over.

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