Chapter 28 Jiang Cheng

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It was so hard to watch XiChen walk away.

Jiang Cheng wanted to run after him, pull him back and tell him he didn't have to go through with this. It wasn't that he was worried about XiChen being faithful or not; their maturity and the way they found their love made it possible to skip over such useless doubts.

What was love if it wasn't rooted in trust, after all?

So he was not in the least worried that his exceedingly handsome husband was going to cheat on him.

No, his worries stemmed for the inherent kindness residing in his husband's nature.

XiChen was too kind, too soft in matters of the heart and he had seen the look in those honey coloured eyes, when XiChen was looking up at the gallery of waiting women.

Their tragic paths had led them to this place by whatever means and he could see it hurting XiChen.

XiChen was the kind of man who liked to believe in the possibility of happiness. That was the fabric upon which he sewed his dreams. To believe that people were happy somewhere in the was just how he was. This nature of his allowed him to live his life full of positive vibes, and while some may call it naive, Jiang Cheng knew it was a special kind of innocence.

And it was due to this same innocent outlook that had made him survive one of the most brutal betrayals of his life.

So Jiang Cheng was naturally cautious when XiChen put himself into positions where he might be hurt, because not all scars were visible.

He wondered how he himself might fare too.

Jiang Cheng knew himself well enough to know that he wasn't the most patient of people. Lies were not tolerated, and disrespect even less...but that did not mean he wasn't fair.

If he expected faster results, well that was in his nature too and couldn't be helped at this late stage.

He hoped that whoever had the misfortune of being in the room he picked, would make it easier for both of them.

There was no time to think further about this; the waiter came and tapped his shoulder and he stood up.

"Good luck." Silver, tumultuous eyes stared back at him full of sympathy.

"You too..." He bit out, never one to take pity easily., especially not from Wei WuXian.

He was a strong Sect Leader, he could do this...something as silly as talking to a woman...of course he could.

He scowled at the guards on the top of the stairs.

"Young or old?"

"Old." Jiang Cheng did not have the capacity to deal with someone far too young to live in a place like this.

The world could be a terrible place, full of hardship and tragedy. But you could suffer under its weight and fall down into a pit of misery...or you could fight back and be a winner.

His father had taught him to take nothing lying down...and he wasn't about to start now.

Without hesitation, he turned the key and entered the room.

This room was decorated with hanging curtains and gold accents, a colourful place. The heavy scent of perfume weighed in the air, almost another physical presence with the mysterious woman and himself. She was hidden behind a curtain of gauze, silently watching him.

The ornaments in her elegantly styled hair jangled with the bangles on her wrists as she moved, her eyes never leaving his body.

He moved the curtain away so he could see her properly, lounging on the bed.

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