Chapter 110 Guava

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The reptile stared coldly at Wei Ying, who was trying to not hyperventilate.

He stared back, wondering where it had come from.

And why was it hissing at him?

Wei Ying tried flailing his arms about, wanting to scare it away, but it was kind of long and...purple...?

He had never seen one like that before...and then...

Then, it rolled its eye.

Just the one.

And with a sinking feeling, Wei Ying suddenly knew where Jiang Cheng had gone...

To make matters worse, he could hear the familiar oink and hiss of warring animals and a cajoling, soothing voice of the reptile's husband coming closer and closer.

As if that four limbed creepy lizard knew what he was thinking about doing, it launched itself at him, tail swishing angrily, hips moving side to side, faster than anything Wei Ying had seen of that size and shape...and so, Wei Ying did the only thing he could: he teleported out of there.

Caiyi Town was beautiful in summertime.

Wei Ying decided that as he waltzed past the really friendly guy selling jars of his favourite drink. Lan Zhan had confided in him that he too, did not mind the taste of Emperor's Smile that much now.

Which was the same as him saying he liked it too...and at this rate, Wei Ying was sure they could work on his alcohol tolerance slowly. He picked up a few extra jars ...just in case...

He wondered where Lan Zhan could be; other than XiChen saying that he was somewhere in town, Wei Ying didn’t have much more to go on. Then maybe, a better plan of action would be to go buy his cauldrons and perhaps a few extra because if the lollipop fiasco was going to turn into a "thing" then, he should be prepared...right?

He opened one of the jars and took a good, long swig from it, easing his parched throat.

Most towns were divided into groups of products, especially in the market place. He did not know why, but like bees to a flower, vendors selling the same items or close enough, liked to set up shop right next to their competition, which then drove the price down...or up, depending.

Right now, Wei Ying was walking through the good part of town because the quality of jewellery was getting better and better.

The vendors were all yelling at him, trying to get him to stop at their stalls...but Wei Ying wasn't interested...

And then he saw it.

It was an ivory pin, something that could slide easily into Lan Zhan’s guan, or be worn separately by itself.  But it was the design which had caught Wei Ying’s attention.

"Ah...come closer, my fine gentleman and see my wares...I think you are thinking about buying this for your loved one?" The vendor guessed.

He was a greasy-haired individual with a pleasantly round face, cheeks heated with the midday sun. He had an easy manner and Wei Ying felt comfortable talking to him.

"How much is that?" He pointed to the extraordinary looking jade pin.

"This? I see you are a careful buyer!" He exclaimed in delight.

Wei Ying refrained from rolling his eyes, but he sympathised with Jiang Cheng's need to do so often.

Instead, he took the pin from the man, examining it carefully.

It seemed to be quite old and distinguished, the carved clouds looking ancient and proud. Each curve of the design was intricate, and it felt cool to the touch, especially on his damaged fingers, soothing them.

WangXian Forever Book 8Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora