Chapter 43 Leaving

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Wen Ning activated the talisman that would allow him to track the cocoon and its precious cargo.

He had missed Young Master Wei so much, every time they left to go on a mission, and while he knew that his duty was split between his family who needed him, his wanting to go with Young Master Wei wasn't necessarily because he was needed there.

He had made his choices and that was okay.

But he wasn't going to lie to himself and say that it didn't feel good to have someone say he was needed.

Hui Gai was kind and gracious, perhaps not openly, but it was there in the little things, the smallest of gestures that he cared. And by him coming to spend even a little bit of time with Wen Ning meant a lot to him.

So he kept his senses trained on the wards of Cloud Recesses and he waited for the first signs of them leaving. He hadn't been lying that time when Hui Gai had asked him about Young Master Wei, he really could smell him better now.

The scent was so strong, Wen Ning knew exactly which direction they were flying in.

Shen Ling and Shen Qing were carrying a bundle between them in their huge talons, flying towards the east. Following close behind them was Suanni.

For now, Wen Ning could follow them by site alone. He was faster than any human running, and with no need to breathe, he never got winded.

But he was surprised when SiZhui left Cloud Recesses on the back of a red dragon, and two other dragons carrying two passengers flew with him. He paused watching them join the reddening sky.

He could sense SiZhui rather than smell him, and this he supposed was because of their joint blood. SiZhui was his last blood relative and the end of the Dafan Wen Sect but Wen Ning was glad the boy was happy. He could see it on his face every time they came by to visit, Wen Ning would take the boy aside to ask him and every single time, his face would light up with joy. At least the Jin boy was looking after his cousin.

Now they only had to find out what was happening with Wei Ying and Hanguang-Jun.

Wherever they were going now, Wen Ning hoped that there would be a cure. He missed the smiling happy face of his friend more than sleeping and he hoped they would soon be reunited.


"No way." Jin Ling looked at the red dragon which looked like it was pouting(?) at JingYi.

"What's the problem now?" JingYi sighed, climbing on the back of the eldest baby.

"I can't ride dragons. I want to go by sword." He knew he was sounding petulant but he couldn't help it.

SiZhui rubbed his back comfortingly.

"You know we can't go by sword. For one thing, we don't know the way, and even if you follow like that, there are wards which keep out humans. That place is protected for a reason." He said softly, his burgundy eyes full of compassion. "Do you want to stay behind with your Uncles?"

"No." Jin Ling felt bad then.

SiZhui was dealing with so much already; the loss of his fathers, something he hadn't had to deal with ever except in a small time frame once. He had always had one or the other but now neither was available.

He didn't want to make a fuss but still....

"Listen, Princess, if you don't get on right now, then we're going to have to leave without you." JingYi was telling them, and then his eyes widened and he clamped his mouth shut.

"What about me? Were you really going to leave without telling me?" Zhitiao stood behind the boys, glaring at JingYi.

SiZhui could see the anger and hurt in her eyes and suddenly Jin Ling was way more compliant about getting onto his dragon. SiZhui helped him climb on top of the baby.

Zhitiao strode forward, still upset.

JingYi bent forward and whispered something in his dragon's ear, and she nodded enthusiastically.

"Actually we were just coming to get you." He lied, straight-faced.

Jin Ling rolled his eyes. "If there's anyone who can keep him on his toes, it's her."

Zhitiao was not appeased. She had known something was up by the change in the air. The Children of the Tree were naturally in tune with Mother Nature, and her instincts were going haywire. She'd dressed quickly in her brown and green robes, strapped knives to her thighs and was ready in a flash.

No one paid attention to the shadow that skittered past the training fields on her way to find JingYi. She knew straight away that if the parents had come, the babies weren't far behind, and luckily JingYi was predictable.

So she made her way to the ledge on the far mountains where JingYi always met his babies.

Right now, she threw her hood over her head and took JingYi's hand to leap on the Dragon's back, sitting behind JingYi and holding onto his waist. He shivered and kissed her cheek repentantly.

"I'm glad I've got my strong fiancé to protect me." JingYi continued, smiling in a cajoling way.

She bit his earlobe and said, "you're not forgiven yet."

"Yet? I can work with yet!" JingYi grinned and lightly tapped the belly of the dragon with his ankle.

There were muffled hoots and squeals and then they saw Shen Ling and Shen Qing fly past overhead, followed by Suanni.

The dragon babies waited for five seconds before they too, took to the skies.

They flew higher, over the dragons' parents so that they would not be noticed. Suanni had vanished and Shen Ling and Shen Qing were too preoccupied with their fragile cargo to pay attention to anything else.

The sun broke over the horizon in all its brilliant glory. The skies opened up and they were flying over the mysterious blueness, drinking in the sight.

JingYi wondered where they were going and how far they would travel.

Already, it looked like a long way away.

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