Chapter 112 Cure

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Wei Ying eyed the bag and Hui Gai's enthusiasm doubtfully.

"What's in that?!" He didn't mean to sound skeptical but...the bag was still moving.

Rather erratically if it wanted to get out...

"I bought it from a reliable source." Hui Gai said, sure of himself.

When he was going to open the bag to show them, Wei Ying stopped him.

"Let's go home. This might be better in private." He looked up to find the owner of the restaurant watching them with an avid interest.

Oh dear...Wei Ying sighed. It seemed that the incident with the noodles landing in some lady's hair hadn't been forgotten yet...

"It was one time..." He muttered, standing up.

Lan Zhan put money down on the table and they, all four of them teleported back home.

Wei Ying was worried about what they would find when they got there. After all...he had run away.

They were outside the Jingshi now and Wei Ying was rummaging around the debris of his previous experiment, looking for why it had gone so drastically bad.

"I bet it was the flavouring...maybe I should use fresh from now on...sugar is a natural might be okay..." He was muttering and just then, Lan Zhan found the bottle of essence.

"Did you put this in?" He inquired, holding it up towards him.

"Yes!" Wei Ying jumped over the discarded cauldron now upside down and still harder than a rock. The mixture had solidified and the cauldron would have to be thrown away. "It's guava flavouring. I went for exotic." He explained, smiling at his husband.

"Perhaps Wei Ying should take the trouble to read properly, next time." Lan Zhan knew there would be a next time...but whether Wei Ying would listen or not was another matter entirely.

He pointed to the word written clearly.

"Iguana..?" Wei Ying slapped his own forehead. "I swear that read Guava the first time I read it!"

Which explained the lizard suddenly appearing.

"Well, I think I'm only partially to blame for that. I did tell him specifically not to move..." He insisted.

Lan Zhan had his own opinion on whose fault this latest change was, but he refrained from commenting for now.

"Do you think he's with XiChen-Ge now?" Wei Ying was asking, linking their arms.

Lan Zhan smiled and nodded.

He led the way with the two demons following behind.

This day had turned from a frightful duty to something incredibly sweet and heart-warming for both of them, something they both needed to feel nurtured. Time spent together when it was just the two of them alone was rare and they were both happy to have spent it in that way.

As the sun set behind the mountains of Gusu, Cloud Recesses was bathed in a fiery light of splendour. The tips of the mountains had icy peaks even at the height of summer, and now they shone golden like arrowheads.

"I hope they're okay..." Wei Ying said softly. He meant both Jiang Cheng and XiChen.

This was family at the end of the day and he wanted them to be happy and healthy.

"Open!" XiChen called out, when they knocked on the door of the Hanshi.

The reason why he had not come to open the door by himself became apparent when they saw the occupants of the room.

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