Chapter 60 A-Yuan

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SiZhui picked up the golden pearl and examined it.

At first glance, it appeared perfectly round and smooth, something infinitely beautiful to look at. However, he felt an incredible amount of sorrow at the passing of Lao Long. He wasn't even sure why he was crying, because it wasn't as if he had known the dragon for long...but there was something about him not having known peace as he tried to die honourably that hurt SiZhui inside.

At the softest touch upon his face, SiZhui looked up to see unconditional kindness in the face of his husband, as Jin Ling wiped away his tears.

"No matter what...he is at peace now."

SiZhui nodded and gave the pearl to Jin Ling. He took it politely and looked at it before handing it back.

Gu Xing was staring at them if he had never seen anyone be so casual with such a precious item.

"Come...let us seek shelter." He said, meaningfully and rather in a cryptic way.

"Where's Wen Ning?" Jin Ling called out, eager to know where he was.

They hurried after him, wanting answers.

"As you found through your experience, it is dangerous to stay out in the open with such an item in your possession." Gu Xing explained, rather than answering his question. "This is the Land of the Dragons and you would do well to beware."

"But you told us to stay with your friend!" Jin Ling retorted.

"Ex-friend..." JingYi replied, referring to the skeletal remains of Zhi Zhi.

"That was because, dragons tend to stay away from the bones of their species. I believe, because it's so rare that they actually can die, it unnerves them...they do not know what to make of it. They are animals first and foremost, after all." Gu Xing replied, his tone serious.

By now, they had made their way back to his place. He climbed the steps up to the inside of the skull, obviously expecting them to follow.

JingYi pulled on the sleeves of his friends, making them pause.

"How can we trust him? He came back without Wen Ning! You said it yourself, if he did that, we were going to deal with him!" He whispered harshly, wanting to protect them.

"True. That's why we're going up there. Let's find out the I think he knows something...about this place, even. Anyway, we're not done with him yet." Jin Ling followed after Gu Xing with determination.

SiZhui also climbed up...thinking hard.

They had no way to prove or disprove whatever Gu Xing told them; really, all they could do was rely on their instincts. The trouble was, Gu Xing was a hard man to read.

Inside the skull, he sat on the only chair available so they had no choice but to sit on the floor around him.

"Lao Long...he gifted that pearl to you." He addressed SiZhui. "Why have you not consumed it yet?"

"I am not sure what it will do yet." SiZhui explained. "I am still thinking about it. In the meantime, what do you know of these?" SiZhui held up the golden pearl between his finger and thumb.

"Golden pearls are very rare. If a dragon favours someone, they can offer a golden pearl, and the effects are supposed to be legendary. It is said, a golden pearl gives immortality, and prosperity, whether that is of a monetary kind or not...concerns the mortal world rather than here." Gu Xing informed them.

It did not seem as if he was lying to them.

"So you're saying this pearl will make me immortal?" SiZhui frowned. "My father has consumed two of these...I am not sure if they are for human beings." He thought back to why they had come here in the first place.

"Interesting." Gu Xing remarked, his yellow eyes shrewdly passing over all of them.

"While he's thinking about that, why don't you tell us about Wen Ning?" Jin Ling demanded.

This produced a sardonic smile.

"Ah...but will you believe me no matter what I say?" He asked, mocking them.

"That depends on what you say...wouldn't you agree?" Jin Ling placed his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Gu Xing laughed outright, openly and boisterously.

"Do you think I will be scared?" He asked when he finished laughing.

SiZhui held the pearl in the palm of his warm hand, looking at Jin Ling all the while.

What was immortality? Was it not a punishment if one could not spend it with the person they loved? And was there a way to share this blessing, if that's what it was?

He closed his eyes and wished hard.

"I will say this:" Gu Xing was saying. "Lao Long saw something worthy in you, young man...and dragons are rarely wrong in their judgement of people. If he trusted you, then I see no reason not to do the same. And as for your question regarding your acquaintance, he is safe...for now. I brought him to the Celestial Mountain, whatever happens to him now, will be from a combination of his karma and his wits...if he is to survive. The Elder Dragons suffered no meddling in their affairs and they took measures to prevent it from happening."

Jin Ling drew out Suihua, aiming it at Gu Xing's throat.

SiZhui stayed his arm, putting his hand on it and applying pressure.

"What are you doing?!" He exclaimed.

"This man just said, he left Wen Ning in a dangerous place. Why shouldn't I kill him?" Jin Ling declared, his eyes red from a fierce passion. "He willingly took Wen Ning...knowing he would be in danger!"

"I believe he wanted to go." Gu Xing did not even flinch from the point of Jin Ling's sword. "And...what place is not dangerous? I dare you to tell me that one."

"Stop this...Jin Ling...this isn't you. He is unarmed and I think he is telling the truth." SiZhui told him.

It would have remained a stalemate if not for Zhitiao.

"I believe him." She said, drawing out her sword too.

This, she aimed at Jin Ling.

SiZhui stared at both of them, thinking that they were both mad.

"While you were here...did you perhaps touch things you should not have?" Gu Xing asked, sharply.


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