Chapter 65 Honesty

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Hui Gai smiled a particularly clever smile.

Jiang Cheng didn't like it at all. He had a grudging respect for this Demon, but it was born from fear rather than anything else. He just couldn't understand Wei WuXian’s friendship with the trickster nor fathom their deeply platonic love for each other.

He had never felt as close to anyone like that except for A-Huan, who had become his friend first and lover second. And while he knew that one did not necessarily have to like the person they fell in love with, his experience had been just so.

But Jiang Cheng knew in the deepest recesses of his heart that had XiChen not pursued him, he might not be in this position today, happily married and enjoying his life. He had always found it difficult to make friends and if he was honest, he envied the easy banter Wei WuXian shared with everyone, even himself. Whether young or old, Wei WuXian managed to charm the pants off everyone he came across...with the exception of Madam Yu.

His focus was brought back via XiChen's stern question.

"How is it you know what the Demon requested, Li XiWang?"

"I followed you," she replied, her gaze constant and unflinching.

XiChen admired her honesty. He knew she was aware she could be punished for meddling, yet she still opted for telling the truth. That was also in part, due to her parents, one who led by example and the other who explained things which other adults found difficult to speak about.

"From the library? Why?" He continued.

XiChen could see Hui Gai not liking this but turnabout was fair play. And he wanted to know for future reference.

"I was going to the library hoping I could make Bai Hua come out...maybe if I found out something to cure my might help." She explained. "But on my way, a disciple walked past me in a hurry...and he had blood on his robes. So I thought maybe I could help. When I got there, the door to the Forbidden room was open and I heard voices. I didn’t mean to listen in, but the man had gone down there and was telling you...things. I am sorry...I should not have followed you like that." Li XiWang finally admitted what was in her heart.

Her uncle XiChen had said he had no intention of giving Rumi to the other Demons...and her thoughts about how to rescue Rumi had been in vain. And as it turned out, Cloud Recesses was the safest place for her baby brother right now, because of the strengthened wards her father had placed around his home, protecting his people.

"How did you manage to do it so quietly?" XiChen was in awe. She was just over ten years old, so of course he was surprised. "I was listening for anyone following us...but I did not hear you."

"Oh, I used a muffling talisman." She waved a hand as if what she has done was a  normal accomplishment for a child.

"What?" Jiang Cheng was trying to keep calm, but honestly, how could he?

Why was Wei WuXian’s kid just as reckless as he was? Didn't he teach his children anything about their own safety?

The warning glance from Hui Gai was enough to stop him speaking further, but he glanced at his husband, trying to get his message across.

XiChen smiled at him and then at his niece.

"That is...commendable. A great achievement by one so young. Who taught that to you?" He asked carefully.

"No one. I experimented. Father Wei said that was the only way to learn, through making mistakes." Li XiWang grinned at Hui Gai who was patting her back proudly.

It sounded exactly how Wei Ying would have said it.

"And Father Zhan said I could make as many mistakes as I liked as long as no one got hurt, including me." She added triumphantly.

That too, sounded like something WangJi would have taught his child.

"But while it is good that you are learning by must understand something." XiChen told her, careful of Hui Gai's sharpened gaze in his direction. "While your parents aren't here, we are responsible for looking after you all. What if something had happened to you? We would also be at fault, and because we care about you, we would also feel hurt by your actions. As you grow older, you will learn that being an adult carries more responsibilities. But regardless of that, it's always good to voice your doubts. Sometimes there can be misunderstandings which are totally preventable by talking about it. Please...promise me that if you have any questions at all, you will come to me?" He reached across and covered her tiny hand with his larger one. "I mean it. I will treat every question with the respect it deserves. You are smarter than your years and I have come to realise that."

Jiang Cheng smiled at his husband. XiChen somehow always knew what he was thinking and was way better at expressing it perfectly.

Like this, there was no way the Demon King could take offence.

"I'm sorry Uncle XiChen. I will do better." Li XiWang told him sincerely.

"Good girl. We are family first, and then related through our clan. It is a good reminder that you are not alone." XiChen added.

"I will accept any punishment." Li XiWang said, surprising him.

She knew it was a bad thing to have listened to conversations not meant for her ears. She knew of the punishments both her fathers had suffered too, and that was the reason she said this.

"Ah..about that. I wasn't going to...because you're so young. And you've recognised your mistake...and I can say that since your parents are not made you reckless. Let us forget this and move on. However, if you put yourself in danger again, I shall not be as lenient. Do you understand?" XiChen smiled kindly back at her.

There was so much inside her that reminded him of both WangJi and was truly remarkable. Wei WuXian would never have asked for punishment...but WangJi? Most definitely.

And using talismans invented by herself? That reeked of Wei WuXian’s talents.

"Well...not that this hasn't been fun...but we're going to go now." Hui Gai stood up.

He was already carrying Rumi, and his free hand was holding Li XiWang.

"Where are you going? And you haven't told us where you're going yet." XiChen also stood up.

"I'm going somewhere safe for now. There's other things I have to do first. And as for my plan, expect me back by the fifth day. I'll explain it then." Hui Gai grinned at them before vanishing.

WangXian Forever Book 8Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora